Collapse to view only § 404.37 - Procedures for requests for Ex-Im Bank employees to provide expert or opinion testimony.

§ 404.26 - Exemptions: EIB-35—Office of Inspector General Investigative Records.

(a) Criminal Law Enforcement—(1) Exemption. Under the authority granted by 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2), Ex-Im Bank hereby exempts the system of records entitled “EIB-35—Office of Inspector General Investigative Records” from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (c)(4), (d)(1) through (4), (e)(1) through (3), (e)(4)(G) and (H), (e)(5), (e)(8), (f), and (g) because the system contains information pertaining to the enforcement of criminal laws. “EIB-35—Office of Inspector General Investigative Records” is maintained by the Ex-Im Bank Office of Inspector General (“OIG” or “Ex-Im Bank OIG.”)

(2) Reasons for exemption. The reasons for asserting this exemption are:

(i) Disclosure to the individual named in the record pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (c)(4), or (d)(1) through (4) could seriously impede or compromise the investigation by alerting the target(s), subjecting a potential witness or witnesses to intimidation or improper influence, and leading to destruction of evidence. Disclosure could enable suspects to take action to prevent detection of criminal activities, conceal evidence, or escape prosecution.

(ii) Application of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(1) is impractical because the relevance of specific information might be established only after considerable analysis and as the investigation progresses. Effective law enforcement requires the OIG to keep information that may not be relevant to a specific OIG investigation, but which may provide leads for appropriate law enforcement and to establish patterns of activity that might relate to the jurisdiction of the OIG and/or other agencies.

(iii) Application of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(2) would be counterproductive to the performance of a criminal investigation because it would alert the individual to the existence of an investigation. In any investigation, it is necessary to obtain evidence from a variety of sources other than the subject of the investigation in order to verify the evidence necessary for successful litigation or prosecution.

(iv) Application of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3) could discourage the free flow of information in a criminal law enforcement inquiry.

(v) The requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(4)(G) and (H) and (f) would be counterproductive to the performance of a criminal investigation. To notify an individual at the individual's request of the existence of records in an investigative file pertaining to such individual, or to grant access to an investigative file could interfere with investigative and enforcement proceedings, deprive co-defendants of a right to a fair trial or other impartial adjudication, constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of others, disclose the identity or confidential sources, reveal confidential information supplied by these sources and disclose investigative techniques and procedures. Nevertheless, Ex-Im Bank OIG has published notice of its notification, access, and contest procedures because access may be appropriate in some cases.

(vi) Although the OIG endeavors to maintain accurate records, application of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(5) is impractical because maintaining only those records that are accurate, relevant, timely, and complete and that assure fairness in determination is contrary to established investigative techniques. Information that may initially appear inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely, or incomplete may, when collated and analyzed with other available information, become more pertinent as an investigation progresses.

(vii) Application of 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(8) could prematurely reveal an ongoing criminal investigation to the subject of the investigation.

(viii) The provisions of subsection (g) do not apply to this system if an exemption otherwise applies.

(b) Other Law Enforcement—(1) Exemption. Under the authority granted by 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(2), Ex-Im Bank hereby exempts the system of records entitled “EIB-35—Office of Inspector General Investigative Records” from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d)(1) through (4), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) for the same reasons as stated in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, that is, because the system contains investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes other than material within the scope of subsection 552a(j)(2).

(2) Reasons for exemption. The reasons for asserting this exemption are because the disclosure and other requirements of the Privacy Act could substantially compromise the efficacy and integrity of OIG operations. Disclosure could invade the privacy of other individuals and disclose their identity when they were expressly promised confidentiality. Disclosure could interfere with the integrity of information which would otherwise be subject to privileges (see, e.g., 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)), and which could interfere with other important law enforcement concerns (see, e.g., 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)).

(c) Federal Civilian or Contract Employment—(1) Exemption. Under the authority granted by 5 U.S.C. 552a(k)(5), Ex-Im Bank hereby exempts the system of records entitled “EIB-35—Office of Inspector General Investigative Records” from the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552a(c)(3), (d)(1) through (4), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G) and (H), and (f) because the system contains investigatory material compiled for the purpose of determining eligibility or qualifications for federal civilian or contract employment.

(2) Reasons for exemption. The reasons for asserting this exemption are the same as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

[77 FR 41886, July 17, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 42949, July 23, 2012. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.27 - Applicability.

This subpart applies exclusively to demands for testimony and/or production of records issued to Ex-Im Bank personnel, in connection with legal proceedings to which Ex-Im Bank is not a party, regarding information acquired in the course of the performance of official duties or due to their official status. Nothing in this subpart shall be construed to waive the sovereign immunity of the United States. This subpart shall not apply to the following:

(a) Demands for testimony and/or production of records pursuant to a legal proceeding to which Ex-Im Bank is a party:

(b) Demands for testimony and/or production of records in those instances in which Ex-Im Bank personnel are asked to disclose information wholly unrelated to their official duties; and

(c) Congressional demands and requests for testimony or records.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.28 - Definitions.

For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions shall apply—

Demand—includes an order, subpoena, or other compulsory process issued by a party in litigation or a court of competent jurisdiction, requiring the production or release of Ex-Im Bank information or records, or requiring the testimony of Ex-Im Bank personnel.

Ex-Im Bank personnel—includes any current or former officer or employee of Ex-Im Bank, including all individuals who have been appointed by, or subject to, the official supervision, jurisdiction, or control of any Ex-Im Bank employees. This definition encompasses all individuals hired through contractual agreements with Ex-Im Bank, such as: consultants, contractors, sub-contractors, and their employees.

Legal proceeding—a case or controversy pending before any federal, state, or local court, including a grand jury proceeding; a proceeding before a federal, state, or local administrative judge, board, or other similar body with adjudicative powers; or a legislative proceeding before a state or local legislative body.

Records—all documentary materials that Ex-Im Bank creates or receives in connection with the transaction of official business, including any materials classified as “Federal records” under 44 U.S.C. 3301 and its implementing regulations.

Testimony—written or oral statements, including, but not limited to, depositions, answers to interrogatories, affidavits, declarations, and any other statements made in a legal proceeding, including any expert or opinion testimony.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.29 - Demand requirements.

A party's demand for testimony and/or production of records by Ex-Im Bank personnel regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties or due to their official status shall be set forth in, or accompanied by, a signed affidavit or other written statement. Such affidavit or written statement must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date such testimony and/or production of records is requested to be taken and/or produced. A copy of the affidavit or written statement shall be served on the other parties to the legal proceeding. The affidavit or written statement must:

(a) Be addressed to the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Office of the General Counsel, 811 Vermont Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20571;

(b) State the nature of the legal proceeding, including any docket number, title of the case, and the name of the administrative or adjudicative body before which the proceedings are to be heard;

(c) State the nature of the testimony or records sought;

(d) State the relevance of the information sought to the legal proceedings;

(e) State why such information can only be obtained through testimony or production of records by Ex-Im Bank personnel; and

(f) Comply with all procedures governing valid service of process.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.30 - Notification of General Counsel required.

Ex-Im Bank personnel receiving a demand for testimony and/or production of records regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties, or due to their official status, shall immediately notify the General Counsel of Ex-Im Bank (“General Counsel”) upon receipt of such demand. The General Counsel maintains the exclusive authority to waive the requirements of any or all sections of this subpart and reserves the right to delegate his or her authority under this subpart to other appropriate Ex-Im Bank personnel.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.31 - Restrictions on testimony and production of records.

Ex-Im Bank personnel may not provide testimony and/or produce records regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties, or due to their official status, in connection with any legal proceeding to which this subpart applies, without authorization by the General Counsel. Such authorization must be in writing, unless the General Counsel determines that circumstances warrant an oral authorization, and such oral authorization is subsequently documented.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.32 - Factors General Counsel may consider in determining whether to authorize testimony and/or the production of records.

In determining whether to authorize Ex-Im Bank personnel to provide testimony and/or produce records regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties, or due to their official status, the General Counsel may consider factors including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Efficiency—the conservation of the time and resources of Ex-Im Bank personnel for the conduct of official business;

(b) Undue burden—whether the demand creates an undue burden upon Ex-Im Bank or is otherwise inappropriate under any applicable administrative or court rules;

(c) Appearance of bias—whether the testimony and/or production of records could result in the public perception that Ex-Im Bank is favoring one party over another, or advocating the position of a party to the proceeding;

(d) Furtherance of agency policy—whether the testimony and/or production of records is consistent with the policy and mission of the Ex-Im Bank;

(e) Prevention of fraud or injustice—whether the disclosure of the information requested is necessary to prevent the perpetration of fraud or injustice;

(f) Relevance to litigation—whether the testimony and/or production of records sought is relevant to the subject litigation;

(g) Necessity—whether the testimony and/or production of records, including a release of such in camera, is appropriate or necessary as determined by either the procedural rules governing the legal proceeding, or according to the relevant laws concerning privilege;

(h) Availability from another source—whether the information sought through testimony or production of records is available from another source;

(i) Violations of laws or regulations—whether the testimony and/or production of records would violate a statute, regulation, executive order, or other official directive;

(j) Classified information—whether the testimony and/or production of records would improperly reveal information classified pursuant to applicable statute or Executive Order; and

(k) Compromise of rights and interests—whether the testimony and/or production of records would compromise any of the following: law enforcement interests, constitutional rights, national security interests, foreign policy interests, or the confidentiality of commercial and/or financial information.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.33 - Procedure for declining to testify and/or produce records.

Ex-Im Bank personnel receiving a demand to provide testimony and/or produce records regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties, or due to their official status, and who have not received written authorization from the General Counsel to provide such information, shall:

(a) Respectfully decline to answer or appear for examination on the grounds that such testimony is forbidden by this subpart;

(b) Request the opportunity to consult with the General Counsel;

(c) Explain that only upon consultation may they be granted approval to provide such testimony;

(d) Explain that providing such testimony or records absent approval may subject the individual to criminal liability under 18 U.S.C. 641, as well as other applicable laws, and other disciplinary action; and

(e) Request a stay of the request or demand pending a determination by the General Counsel.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.34 - Procedure in the event a decision concerning a demand is not made prior to the time a response to the demand is required.

If response to a demand is required before a determination has been rendered by the General Counsel, the U.S. Attorney or such other attorney as may be designated for the purpose will appear with the Ex-Im Bank personnel upon whom the demand has been made, and will furnish the court or other authority with a copy of the regulations contained in this subpart and inform the court or other authority that the demand has been or is being, as the case may be, referred for prompt consideration of the General Counsel. The court or other authority shall be requested respectfully to stay the demand pending determination by the General Counsel.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.35 - Procedure in the event of an adverse ruling.

If the court or other authority declines to stay the effect of the demand in response to a request made in accordance with § 404.34 pending a determination by the General Counsel, or if the court or other authority rules that the demand must be complied with irrespective of the instructions from the General Counsel not to produce the material or disclose the information sought, the Ex-Im Bank personnel upon whom the demand has been made shall respectfully decline to comply with the demand (United States ex rel. Touhy v. Ragen, 340 U.S. 462).

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated and amended at 87 FR 41034, 41042, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.36 - Procedure for demands for testimony or production of documents regarding confidential information.

In addition to compliance with the requirements of this subpart, demands to provide testimony and/or produce records that concern information protected by the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, or any other authority mandating confidentiality of certain classes of records or information, must also satisfy the requirements for disclosure imposed by such authority before records may be produced or testimony given.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.37 - Procedures for requests for Ex-Im Bank employees to provide expert or opinion testimony.

No Ex-Im Bank personnel may, unless specifically authorized by the General Counsel, testify in any legal proceeding as an expert or opinion witness as to any matter related to his or her duties or the functions of the Ex-Im Bank, including the meaning of Ex-Im Bank documents. Any demand for expert or opinion testimony shall comply with the policies and procedures outlined in this subpart.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]

§ 404.38 - No private right of action.

Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as creating any right, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by a party against Ex-Im Bank or the United States.

[71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]