Collapse to view only § 1206.30 - What is the scope and purpose of records grants?

§ 1206.30 - What is the scope and purpose of records grants?

(a) Records grants support projects designed to preserve and facilitate use of historical records of national, state, or local significance for the purpose of furthering an understanding and appreciation of United States history and assuring the rights of American citizens to free and equal access to government records.

(b) The Commission also supports projects to develop methods, tools, techniques, and practices to improve and advance the archival profession in the United States, and to support continuing education of archivists, records managers, and other keepers of historical records.

§ 1206.32 - What type of proposal is eligible for a records grant?

(a) The Commission provides grants to historical records repositories for locating, preserving and encouraging use of records held by State, local, and other governmental units and private archives and collections of papers maintained in non-Federal, nonprofit repositories and special collections relating to the study of American history.

(b) The Commission provides support to historical records repositories and other institutions for:

(1) Advancing the state of the art in archival and records management and in the long-term maintenance of, and easy access to, authentic electronic records;

(2) Promoting cooperative efforts among institutions and organizations in archival and records management;

(3) Improving the knowledge, performance, and professional skills of those who work with historical records; and

(4) Continuing archival education, including fellowships, institutes, and symposia.

[71 FR 27624, May 12, 2006, as amended at 75 FR 66317, Oct. 28, 2010]

§ 1206.34 - What type of proposal is ineligible for a records grant?

In addition to other programmatic limitations established by the Commission as found in the grant opportunity announcements, NHPRC does not support proposals:

(a) For building projects;

(b) To purchase manuscripts or historical records;

(c) For projects involving substantial work with artifacts, library materials, or works of art; or

(d) For exhibits or celebrations, reenactments, and other observations of historical events.

[71 FR 27624, May 12, 2006, as amended at 75 FR 66318, Oct. 28, 2010]