Collapse to view only § 1882.5-1 - Tenure of loan.

§ 1882.0-1 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to establish procedures to be followed in the implementation of a program under section 317 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act to make loans to qualified States and their political subdivisions.

§ 1882.0-2 - Objective.

The objective of the program is to provide financial relief through loans to those States and their political subdivisions that are experiencing adverse social and economic impacts as a result of the development of Federal mineral deposits leased under the provisions of the Act of February 25, 1920, as amended.

§ 1882.0-3 - Authority.

Section 317(c) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1744), authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make loans to States and their political subdivisions to relieve social or economic impacts resulting from the development of Federal minerals leased under the Act of February 25, 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.).

§ 1882.0-5 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart, the term:

(a) Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior.

(b) Director means the Director, Bureau of Land Management.

(c) Act means the Act of February 25, 1920, as amended (30 U.S.C. 181).

§ 1882.1 - Loan fund, general.

Funds appropriated by Congress for loans for relief of adverse social and economic impacts resulting from the development of Federal mineral deposits leased and developed under the Act may be loaned to those States and their political subdivisions who qualify under this subpart. Such loans may be used for: (a) Planning, (b) construction and maintenance of public facilities, and (c) provisions for public services.

§ 1882.2 - Qualifications.

(a) Any State receiving payments from the Federal Government under the provisions of section 35 of the Act or any political subdivision of such a State that can document to the satisfaction of the Director that it has suffered or will suffer adverse social and economic impacts as a result of the leasing and development of Federal mineral deposits under the provisions of the Act shall be considered qualified to receive loans made under this subpart.

(b) A loan to a qualified political subdivision of a State receiving payment from the Federal Government under the provisions of section 35 of the Act shall be conditioned upon a showing of proof, satisfactory to the Director, by the political subdivision that it has legal authority to pledge funds payable to the State under section 35 of the Act in sufficient amounts to secure the payment of the loan.

§ 1882.3 - Application procedures.

No later than October 1 of the fiscal year in which a loan is to be made, the State or its political subdivision shall submit to the Director a letter signed by the authorized agent requesting a loan. The authorized agent shall furnish proof of authority to act for the State or political subdivision with the application. Such letter shall constitute a formal application for a loan under this subpart and shall contain the following:

(a) The name of the State or political subdivision requesting the loan.

(b) The amount of the loan requested.

(c) The name, address, and position of the person in the State or political subdivision who is to serve as contact on all matters concerning the loan.

(d) A description and documentation of the adverse social and economic impacts suffered as a result of the leasing and development of Federal mineral deposits.

(e) An analysis and documentation of the additional expenses generated as a result of the leasing and development of Federal minerals.

(f) Proposed uses of the funds derived from the loan.

(g) Evidence that the loan and repayment provisions are authorized by State law.

(h) The Director may request any additional information from the applicant that is needed to properly act on the loan application. The applicant shall furnish such additional information in any form acceptable to the applicant and the Director. No loan shall be granted unless such additional information is timely received by the Director.

§ 1882.4 - Allocation of funds.

If applications for loans exceed the funds appropriated for such purpose, loans shall be allocated among the States and their political subdivisions in a fair and equitable manner, after consultation with the Governors of the affected States, giving priority to those States and political subdivisions suffering the most severe social and economic impacts. The allocation of funds under this section shall be the final action of the Department of the Interior.

§ 1882.5 - Terms and conditions.

§ 1882.5-1 - Tenure of loan.

Loans shall be for a period not to exceed 10 years. Loan documents shall include a schedule of repayment showing the amount of the principal and interest due on each installment.

§ 1882.5-2 - Interest rate.

Loans shall bear interest at a rate equivalent to the lowest interest rate paid on an issue of at least $1 million of bonds exempt from Federal taxes of the applicant State or any agency thereof within the calendar year immediately preceding the year of the loan. Proof of each rate shall be furnished by an applicant with its application.

§ 1882.5-3 - Limitation on amount of loans.

Total outstanding loans under this program for qualified States or their political subdivisions shall not exceed the total amount of the qualified State's projected mineral revenues under the Act for the 10 years following. The total outstanding loans shall be the sum of the unpaid balance on all such loans made to a qualified State and all of its qualified political subdivisions.

§ 1882.5-4 - Loan repayment.

Loan repayment shall be by withholding mineral revenues payable to the qualified State for itself or its political subdivisions under the Act until the full amount of the loan and interest have been recovered.

§ 1882.5-5 - Security for a loan.

The only security for loans made under this subpart shall be the mineral revenues received by a qualified State or its political subdivisions under the Act. Loans made under this subpart shall not constitute an obligation upon the general property or taxing authority of the qualified recipient.

§ 1882.5-6 - Use of loan.

A loan made under this subpart may be used for the non-Federal share of the aggregate cost of any project or program otherwise funded by the Federal Government which requires a non-Federal share for such project or program and which provides planning or public facilities otherwise eligible for assistance under the Act.

§ 1882.5-7 - Nondiscrimination.

No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or part with funds made available under this subpart.

§ 1882.5-8 - Additional terms and conditions.

The Director may impose any terms and conditions that he determines necessary to assure the achievement of the purpose of the loans made under this subsection.

§ 1882.6 - Loan renegotiation.

The Secretary may, upon application of a qualified State or one of its qualified political subdivisions, take any steps he determines necessary and justified by the failure of anticipated mineral development or related revenues to materialize as expected when the loan was made under this subpart to renegotiate the loan, including restructuring of the loan. All applications submitted under this section shall set forth in detail the basis for the renegotiation of the loan. The renegotiated loan shall meet the requirements of this subpart to the extent possible.

§ 1882.7 - Inspection and audit.

Upon receipt of a loan under this subpart, the grantee of the loan shall establish accounts and related records necessary to record the transactions relating to receipt and disposition of such loan. These accounts and related records shall be sufficiently detailed to provide an adequate inspection and audit by the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States. The loan funds shall not be commingled with other funds of the recipient.