Collapse to view only § 1427.1205 - ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.

§ 1427.1200 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart specifies the terms and conditions under which CCC will make payments to eligible domestic users and exporters of extra long staple cotton who have entered into an ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement with CCC.

(b) CCC will issue payments to domestic users and exporters in any week following a consecutive 4-week period in which:

(1) The LFQ is less than the USPFE; and

(2) Adjusted LFQ is less than 113 percent of the current crop year loan level for the base quality U.S. Pima cotton.

(c) CCC will prescribe the forms and information collections necessary in administering the ELS cotton competitiveness payment program. Additional terms and conditions for the program are specified in the ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.

[70 FR 67343, Nov. 7, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 138, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70707, Dec. 13, 2021]

§ 1427.1201 - [Reserved]

§ 1427.1202 - Definitions.

The following definitions apply as used in this subpart:

Consumption means the use of eligible ELS cotton by a domestic user in the manufacture in the United States of cotton products.

Cotton product means any product containing cotton fibers that result from the use of an eligible bale of ELS cotton in manufacturing.

Current shipment price means, during the period in which two daily price quotations are available for the LFQ for the foreign growth, quoted C/F Far East, the price quotation for cotton for shipment no later than August/September of the current calendar year.

ELS means Extra Long Staple.

Forward shipment price means, during the period in which two daily price quotations are available for the LFQ for foreign growths, quoted C/F Far East, the price quotation for cotton for shipment no earlier than October/November of the current calendar year.

LFQ means, during the period in which only one daily price quotation is available for the growth, the lowest average for the preceding Friday through Thursday week of the price quotations for foreign growths of ELS cotton, quoted cost and freight (C/F) Far East, after each respective average is adjusted for quality differences between the respective foreign growth and U.S. Pima, of the base quality.

(1) Adjusted LFQ means the LFQ adjusted to reflect the estimated cost of transportation between an average U.S. location and destination ports in the Far East.

(2) LFQc means the preceding Friday through Thursday average of the current shipment prices for the lowest adjusted foreign growth, C/F Far East.

(3) LFQf means the preceding Friday through Thursday average of the forward shipment prices for the lowest adjusted foreign growth, quoted C/F Far East.

USPFE means the Friday through Thursday weekly average of the price quotation for base quality U.S. Pima cotton, as determined by CCC for purposes of administering this subpart, C/F Far East.

(1) USPFEc means the preceding Friday through Thursday average of the current shipment prices for U.S. Pima cotton, C/F Far East.

(2) USPFEf means the preceding Friday through Thursday average of the forward shipment prices for U.S. Pima cotton, C/F Far East.

§ 1427.1203 - Eligible ELS cotton.

(a) For the purposes of this subpart, eligible ELS cotton is domestically produced baled ELS cotton that is:

(1) Opened by an eligible domestic user on or after February 7, 2014, or

(2) Exported by an eligible exporter on or after February 7, 2014, during a Friday through Thursday period in which a payment rate determined under § 1427.1207 is in effect, and that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section;

(b) Eligible ELS cotton must be either:

(1) Baled lint, including baled lint classified by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service as Below Grade; or

(2) Loose.

(c) Eligible ELS cotton must not be:

(1) ELS for which a payment, under the provisions of this subpart, has been made available;

(2) Imported ELS cotton;

(3) Raw, unprocessed motes;

(4) Textile mill wastes; or

(5) Semi-processed or re-ginned, processed motes.

[70 FR 67343, Nov. 7, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 65724, Nov. 5, 2008; 80 FR 138, Jan. 2, 2015]

§ 1427.1204 - Eligible domestic users and exporters.

(a) For the purposes of this subpart, the following persons shall be considered eligible domestic users and exporters of ELS cotton:

(1) A person regularly engaged in the business of opening bales of eligible ELS cotton to manufacturing such cotton into cotton products in the United States (a domestic user), who has entered into an agreement with CCC to participate in the ELS Cotton Competitiveness Payment Program; or

(2) A person, including a producer or CMA approved under part 1425 of this chapter, regularly engaged in selling eligible ELS cotton for exportation from the United States (an exporter), who has entered into an agreement with CCC to participate in the ELS Cotton Competitiveness Payment Program.

(b) Payment applications must contain the documentation required by this subpart, an ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement and additional information that may be requested by CCC.

[70 FR 67343, Nov. 7, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 138, Jan. 2, 2015]

§ 1427.1205 - ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.

(a) Payments under this subpart shall be made available to eligible domestic users and exporters who have entered into an ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement with CCC and who have complied with the terms and conditions in this subpart, the ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement and CCC-issued instructions.

(b) ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreements may be obtained from CCC. To participate in the program authorized by this subpart, domestic users and exporters must execute the ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement and forward the original and one copy to CCC.

§ 1427.1206 - [Reserved]

§ 1427.1207 - Payment rate.

(a) The payment rate for payments made under this subpart will be determined as follows:

(1) Beginning the Friday on or following August 1 and ending the week in which the LFQc, the LFQf, the USPFEc, and the USPFEf prices first become available, the payment rate will be the difference between the USPFE and the LFQ in the fourth week of a consecutive 4-week period in which the USPFE exceeded the LFQ each week, and the adjusted LFQ was less than 113 percent of the current crop year loan level for U.S. base quality Pima cotton in all weeks of the 4-week period; and

(2) Beginning the Friday-through-Thursday week after the week in which the LFQc, the LFQf, the USPFEc, and the USFEf prices first become available and ending the Thursday following July 31, the payment rate will be the difference between the USPFEc and the LFQc in the fourth week of a consecutive 4-week period in which the USPFEc exceeded the LFQc each week, and the adjusted LFQc was less than 113 percent of the current crop year loan level for base quality U.S. Pima in all weeks of the 4-week period. If either or both the USPFEc and the LFQc are not available, the payment rate may be the difference between the USPFEf and the LFQf.

(b) Whenever a 4-week period under paragraph (a) of this section contains a combination of LFQ, LFQc, and LFQf for only one to three weeks, such as may occur in the spring when the LFQ is succeeded by the LFQc and the LFQf (spring transition), and at the start of a new marketing year when the LFQc and the LFQf are succeeded by the LFQ (marketing year transition), under paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, during both the spring transition and the marketing year transition periods, the LFQc and USPFEc, in combination with the LFQ and USPFE, will, to the extent practicable, be considered during such 4-week periods to determine whether a payment is to be issued. During both the spring transition and the marketing year transition periods, if either or both USPFEc price and the LFQc are not available, the USPFEf and the LFQf in combination with the USPFE price and LFQ will be taken into consideration during such 4-week periods to determine whether a payment is to be issued.

(c) For purposes of this subpart, regarding the determination of the USPFE, USPFEc, USPFEf, the LFQ, the LFQc, and the LFQf:

(1) If daily quotations are not available for one or more days of the 5-day period, the available quotations during the period will be used;

(2) If none of the USPFE, USPFEc, or USPFEf prices is available, or if none of the LFQ, LFQc, or LFQf is available, the payment rate will be zero and will remain zero unless and until sufficient USPFE prices or the LFQ again becomes available, the USPFE, USPFEc, or USPFEf price exceeds the LFQ, the LFQc, or the LFQf, as the case may be, and the LFQ, the LFQc, or the LFQf, as the case may be, adjusted for transportation, is less than 113 percent of the current crop year loan rate for base quality U.S. Pima for 4 consecutive weeks.

(d) Payment rates for loose lint that is of a suitable quality, without further processing, for spinning, papermaking or bleaching, will be based on a percentage of the basic rate for baled lint, as specified in the ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.

[70 FR 67343, Nov. 7, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 139, Jan. 2, 2015]; 86 FR 70707, Dec. 13, 2021

§ 1427.1208 - Payment.

(a) Payments under this subpart will be determined by multiplying:

(1) The payment rate, determined under § 1427.127, by

(2) The net weight (gross weight minus the weight of bagging and ties) determined under paragraph (b) of this section, of eligible ELS cotton bales that an eligible domestic user opens or an eligible exporter exports during the Friday through Thursday period following a week in which a payment rate is established.

(b) For the purposes of this subpart, the net weight will be based upon:

(1) For domestic users, the weight on which settlement for payment of the ELS cotton was based (landed mill weight);

(2) For exporters, the shipping warehouse weight or the gin weight if the ELS cotton was not placed in a warehouse, of the eligible cotton unless the exporter obtains and pays the cost of having all the bales in the shipment re-weighed by a licensed weigher and furnishes a copy of the certified weights.

(c) For the purposes of this subpart, eligible ELS cotton will be considered:

(1) Consumed by the domestic user on the date the bale is opened for consumption; and

(2) Exported by the exporter on the date that CCC determines is the date on which the cotton is shipped for export.

(d) Payments under this subpart will be made available upon application for payment and submission of supporting documentation, as required by this subpart, CCC instructions, and the ELS Cotton Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.

[70 FR 67343, Nov. 7, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 139, Jan. 2, 2015]