Collapse to view only § 125. Patents in North Platte Reclamation Project; mineral rights; subrogation

§ 121. Agricultural entry or purchase of lands withdrawn or classified as containing phosphate, nitrate, potash, oil, or gas; reservations to United States; application

Lands withdrawn or classified as phosphate, nitrate, potash, oil, gas, or asphaltic minerals, or which are valuable for those deposits, shall be subject to appropriation, location, selection, entry, or purchase, if otherwise available, under the nonmineral land laws of the United States, whenever such location, selection, entry, or purchase shall be made with a view of obtaining or passing title with a reservation to the United States of the deposits on account of which the lands were withdrawn or classified or reported as valuable, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same. All applications to locate, select, enter, or purchase under this section shall state that the same are made in accordance with and subject to the provisions and reservations of sections 121 to 123 of this title.

(July 17, 1914, ch. 142, § 1, 38 Stat. 509; June 16, 1955, ch. 145, § 2, 69 Stat. 138.)
§ 122. Patents; reservation in the United States of reserved deposits; acquisition of right to remove deposits; application for entry to disprove classification

Upon satisfactory proof of full compliance with the provisions of the laws under which the location, selection, entry, or purchase is made, the locator, selector, entryman, or purchaser shall be entitled to a patent to the land located, selected, entered, or purchased, which patent shall contain a reservation to the United States of the deposits on account of which the lands so patented were withdrawn or classified or reported as valuable, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same, such deposits to be subject to disposal by the United States only as shall be hereafter expressly directed by law: Provided, however, That all mineral deposits heretofore or hereafter reserved to the United States under sections 121 to 123 of this title which are subject, at the time of application for patent, to valid and subsisting rights acquired by discovery and location under the mining laws of the United States made prior to the date of the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920 [30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.], shall hereafter be subject to disposal to the holders of those valid and subsisting rights by patent under the mining laws of the United States in force at the time of such disposal. Any person qualified to acquire the reserved deposits may enter upon said lands with a view of prospecting for the same upon the approval by the Secretary of the Interior of a bond or undertaking to be filed with him as security for the payment of all damages to the crops and improvements on such lands by reason of such prospecting, the measure of any such damage to be fixed by agreement of parties or by a court of competent jurisdiction. Any person who has acquired from the United States the title to or the right to mine and remove the reserved deposits, should the United States dispose of the mineral deposits in lands, may reenter and occupy so much of the surface thereof as may be required for all purposes reasonably incident to the mining and removal of the minerals therefrom, and mine and remove such minerals, upon payment of damages caused thereby to the owner of the land, or upon giving a good and sufficient bond or undertaking therefor in an action instituted in any competent court to ascertain and fix said damages. Nothing herein contained shall be held to deny or abridge the right to present and have prompt consideration of applications to locate, select, enter, or purchase, under the land laws of the United States, lands which have been withdrawn or classified as phosphate, nitrate, potash, oil, gas, or asphaltic mineral lands, with a view of disproving such classification and securing patent without reservation, nor shall persons who have located, selected, entered, or purchased lands subsequently withdrawn, or classified as valuable for said mineral deposits, be debarred from the privilege of showing, at any time before final entry, purchase, or approval of selection or location, that the lands entered, selected, or located are in fact nonmineral in character.

(July 17, 1914, ch. 142, § 2, 38 Stat. 509; July 20, 1956, ch. 652, 70 Stat. 592.)
§ 123. Persons locating lands subsequently withdrawn or classified; patents to

Any person who has, in good faith, located, selected, entered, or purchased, or any person who shall locate, select, enter, or purchase, after July 17, 1914, under the nonmineral land laws of the United States, any lands which are subsequently withdrawn, classified, or reported as being valuable for phosphate, nitrate, potash, oil, gas, or asphaltic minerals, may, upon application therefor, and making satisfactory proof of compliance with the laws under which such lands are claimed, receive a patent therefor, which patent shall contain a reservation to the United States of all deposits on account of which the lands were withdrawn, classified, or reported as being valuable, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same.

(July 17, 1914, ch. 142, § 3, 38 Stat. 510.)
§ 124. Agricultural entry or purchase of lands withdrawn or classified as containing sodium or sulphur

Lands withdrawn, classified, or reported as valuable for sodium and/or sulphur and subject to prospecting, leasing, or development under the General Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, or Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto [30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.], shall be subject to appropriation, location, selection, entry, or purchase if otherwise available in the form and manner and subject to the reservations, provisions, limitations, and conditions of the Act of Congress approved July 17, 1914 (38 Stat. L. 509; U.S.C., title 30, sec. 123); Provided, however, That lands lying within the geologic structure of a field, or withdrawn, classified, or reported as valuable for any of the minerals named herein and/or in any of said sections, or upon which leases or prospecting permits have been applied for or granted, for the production of any of such minerals, shall not be subject to such appropriation, location, selection, entry, or purchase unless it shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior that such disposal will not unreasonably interfere with operations under said sections.

(Mar. 4, 1933, ch. 278, 47 Stat. 1570.)
§ 125. Patents in North Platte Reclamation Project; mineral rights; subrogation

Where reclamation homestead entry was made prior to July 17, 1914, pursuant to the Act of June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 389, 43 U.S.C., sec. 431), as amended and supplemented, for lands in the Northport Division or the Interstate Division of the North Platte Reclamation Project, and after such entry the lands have been or are hereafter withdrawn, classified, or reported as being valuable for any of the minerals named in sections 81 and 121 to 124 of this title, the patent shall not contain a reservation of such minerals. If any such mineral deposits on account of which the lands were withdrawn, classified or reported as being valuable have been leased by the United States, such patent shall be made subject to the rights of the lessee, but the patentee shall be subrogated to the rights of the United States under the lease.

(Apr. 17, 1954, ch. 152, 68 Stat. 56.)