Collapse to view only § 2902. Property management

§ 2901. DefinitionsIn this chapter:
(1)Excess property.—The term “excess property” means any postal property that the Postal Service determines is not required to meet the needs or responsibilities of the Postal Service.
(2)Postal property.—The term “postal property” means any property owned or leased by the Postal Service.
(3)Underutilized property.—The term “underutilized property” means a portion or the entirety of any real property that is postal property, including any improvements, that is used—
(A) irregularly or intermittently by the Postal Service for program purposes of the Postal Service; or
(B) for program purposes that can be satisfied only with a portion of the property.
(Added Pub. L. 114–318, § 4(a), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1613.)
§ 2902. Property management
(a)In General.—The Postal Service—
(1) shall maintain adequate inventory controls and accountability systems for postal property;
(2) shall develop current and future workforce projections so as to have the capacity to assess the needs of the Postal Service workforce regarding the use of property;
(3) may develop a 5-year management template that—
(A) establishes goals and policies that will lead to the reduction of excess property and underutilized property in the inventory of the Postal Service;
(B) adopts workplace practices, configurations, and management techniques that can achieve increased levels of productivity and decrease the need for real property assets;
(C) assesses leased space to identify space that is not fully used or occupied;
(D) develops recommendations on how to address excess capacity at Postal Service facilities without negatively impacting mail delivery; and
(E) develops recommendations on ensuring the security of mail processing operations; and
(4) if the Postal Service develops a template under paragraph (3) shall, as part of that template and on a regular basis—
(A) conduct an inventory of postal property that is real property; and
(B) publish a report that covers each property identified under subparagraph (A), similar to the USPS Owned Facilities Report and the USPS Leased Facilities Report, that includes—
(i) the date on which the Postal Service first occupied the property;
(ii) the size of the property in square footage and acreage;
(iii) the geographical location of the property, including an address and description;
(iv) the extent to which the property is being utilized;
(v) the actual annual operating costs associated with the property;
(vi) the total cost of capital expenditures associated with the property;
(vii) the number of postal employees, contractor employees, and functions housed at the property;
(viii) the extent to which the mission of the Postal Service is dependent on the property; and
(ix) the estimated amount of capital expenditures projected to maintain and operate the property over each of the next 5 years after the date of enactment of this chapter.
(b)Rule of Construction.—Nothing in subsection (a)(4)(B) shall be construed to require the Postal Service to obtain an appraisal of postal property.
(Added Pub. L. 114–318, § 4(a), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1613.)
§ 2903. Use of funds from sale of property

In the event that the Postal Service permanently ceases operations, any funds derived from the sale of any real property owned by the Postal Service shall be used to pay any outstanding liability with respect to the salaries and expenses of any Postal Service employee. The balance of any remaining funds shall be deposited into the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund established under section 8909a of title 5.

(Added Pub. L. 117–108, title I, § 102(d)(1), Apr. 6, 2022, 136 Stat. 1140.)