Collapse to view only § 12103. General eligibility requirements

§ 12101. Definitions
(a)Rebuilt in the United States.—In this chapter, a vessel is deemed to have been rebuilt in the United States only if the entire rebuilding, including the construction of any major component of the hull or superstructure, was done in the United States.
(b)Related Terms in Other Laws.—When the following terms are used in a law, regulation, document, ruling, or other official act referring to the documentation of a vessel, the following definitions apply:
(1)Registry endorsement.—The terms “certificate of registry”, “register”, and “registry” mean a certificate of documentation with a registry endorsement issued under this chapter.
(2)Coastwise endorsement.—The terms “license”, “enrollment and license”, “license for the coastwise (or coasting) trade”, and “enrollment and license for the coastwise (or coasting) trade” mean a certificate of documentation with a coastwise endorsement issued under this chapter.
(3)Yacht.—The term “yacht” means a recreational vessel even if not documented.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1491.)
§ 12102. Vessels requiring documentation
(a)In General.—Except as otherwise provided, a vessel may engage in a trade only if the vessel has been issued a certificate of documentation with an endorsement for that trade under this chapter.
(b)Vessels Less Than 5 Net Tons.—A vessel of less than 5 net tons may engage in a trade without being documented if the vessel otherwise satisfies the requirements to engage in the particular trade.
(c)Barges.—A barge qualified to engage in the coastwise trade may engage in the coastwise trade, without being documented, on rivers, harbors, lakes (except the Great Lakes), canals, and inland waters.
(d)Aquaculture Waiver.—
(1)Permitting of nonqualified vessels to perform certain aquaculture support operations.—Notwithstanding section 12113 and any other law, the Secretary of Transportation may issue a waiver allowing a documented vessel with a registry endorsement or a foreign flag vessel to be used in operations that treat aquaculture fish for or protect aquaculture fish from disease, parasitic infestation, or other threats to their health if the Secretary finds, after publishing a notice in the Federal Register, that a suitable vessel of the United States is not available that could perform those services.
(2)Prohibition.—Vessels operating under a waiver issued under this subsection may not engage in any coastwise transportation.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1492; Pub. L. 111–281, title IX, § 901(c)(1), Oct. 15, 2010, 124 Stat. 3008.)
§ 12103. General eligibility requirements
(a)In General.—Except as otherwise provided, a certificate of documentation for a vessel may be issued under this chapter only if the vessel is—
(1) wholly owned by one or more individuals or entities described in subsection (b);
(2) at least 5 net tons as measured under part J of this subtitle; and
(3) not documented under the laws of a foreign country.
(b)Eligible Owners.—For purposes of subsection (a)(1), the following are eligible owners:
(1) An individual who is a citizen of the United States.
(2) An association, trust, joint venture, or other entity if—
(A) each of its members is a citizen of the United States; and
(B) it is capable of holding title to a vessel under the laws of the United States or a State.
(3) A partnership if—
(A) each general partner is a citizen of the United States; and
(B) the controlling interest in the partnership is owned by citizens of the United States.
(4) A corporation if—
(A) it is incorporated under the laws of the United States or a State;
(B) its chief executive officer, by whatever title, and the chairman of its board of directors are citizens of the United States; and
(C) no more of its directors are noncitizens than a minority of the number necessary to constitute a quorum.
(5) The United States Government.
(6) The government of a State.
(c)Temporary Certificates Prior to Measurement.—Notwithstanding subsection (a)(2), the Secretary may issue a temporary certificate of documentation for a vessel before it is measured.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1492.)
§ 12104. Applications for documentation
(a)In General.—An application for a certificate of documentation or endorsement under this chapter must be filed by the owner of the vessel. The application must be filed in the manner, be in the form, and contain the information prescribed by the Secretary.
(b)Applicant’s Identifying Information.—The Secretary shall require the applicant to provide—
(1) if the applicant is an individual, the individual’s social security number; or
(2) if the applicant is an entity—
(A) the entity’s taxpayer identification number; or
(B) if the entity does not have a taxpayer identification number, the social security number of an individual who is a corporate officer, general partner, or individual trustee of the entity and who signs the application.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1493.)
§ 12105. Issuance of documentation
(a)In General.—Except as provided in section 12152 of this title, the Secretary, on receipt of a proper application, shall issue a certificate of documentation or a temporary certificate of documentation for a vessel satisfying the requirements of section 12103 of this title. The certificate shall contain each endorsement under subchapter II of this chapter for which the owner applies and the vessel is eligible.
(b)Temporary Certificates for Recreational Vessels.—The Secretary may delegate, subject to the supervision and control of the Secretary and under terms prescribed by regulation, to private entities determined and certified by the Secretary to be qualified, the authority to issue a temporary certificate of documentation for a recreational vessel eligible under section 12103 of this title. A temporary certificate issued under this subsection is valid for not more than 30 days.
(c)Information To Be Included in Certificate.—A certificate of documentation shall—
(1) identify and describe the vessel;
(2) identify the owner of the vessel; and
(3) contain additional information prescribed by the Secretary.
(d)Procedures To Ensure Integrity and Accuracy.—The Secretary shall prescribe procedures to ensure the integrity of, and the accuracy of information contained in, certificates of documentation.
(e)Effective Period.—
(1)In general.—Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), a certificate of documentation issued under this part is valid for a 1-year period and may be renewed for additional 1-year periods.
(2)Recreational vessels.—
(A)In general.—The owner or operator of a recreational vessel may choose a period of effectiveness of between 1 and 5 years for a certificate of documentation for a recreational vessel or the renewal thereof.
(i)Requirement.—The Secretary shall assess and collect a fee—(I) for the issuance of a certificate of documentation for a recreational vessel that is equivalent to the fee established for the issuance of a certificate of documentation under section 2110; and(II) for the renewal of a certificate of documentation for a recreational vessel that is equivalent to the number of years of effectiveness of the certificate of documentation multiplied by the fee established for the renewal of a certificate of documentation under section 2110.
(ii)Treatment.—Fees collected under this subsection—(I) shall be credited to the account from which the costs of such issuance or renewal were paid; and(II) may remain available until expended.
(3)Notice of change in information.—
(A)Requirement.—The owner of a vessel shall notify the Coast Guard of each change in the information on which the issuance of the certificate of documentation for the vessel is based that occurs before the expiration of the certificate under this subsection, by not later than 30 days after such change.
(B)Termination of certificate.—The certificate of documentation for a vessel shall terminate upon the expiration of such 30-day period if the owner has not notified the Coast Guard of such change before the end of such period.
(4)State and local authority to remove abandoned and derelict vessels.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of a State or local authority from taking action to remove an abandoned or derelict vessel.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1493; Pub. L. 115–282, title V, § 512, Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4275; Pub. L. 117–81, div. C, title XXXV, § 3511, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2238.)
§ 12106. Surrender of title and number
(a)In General.—A documented vessel may not be titled by a State or required to display numbers under chapter 123 of this title, and any certificate of title issued by a State for a documented vessel shall be surrendered as provided by regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
(b)Vessels Covered by Preferred Mortgage.—The Secretary may approve the surrender under subsection (a) of a certificate of title for a vessel covered by a preferred mortgage under section 31322(d) of this title only if the mortgagee consents.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1494.)
§ 12107. Wrecked vessels
(a)Requirements.—A vessel is a wrecked vessel under this chapter if it—
(1) was wrecked on a coast of the United States or adjacent waters; and
(2) has undergone repairs in a shipyard in the United States equal to at least 3 times the appraised salvage value of the vessel.
(b)Appraisals.—The Secretary may appoint a board of three appraisers to determine whether a vessel satisfies subsection (a)(2). The costs of the appraisal shall be paid by the owner of the vessel.
(Pub. L. 109–304, § 5, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1494.)
§ 12108. Authority to extend duration of vessel certificates
(a)Certificates.—Provided a vessel is in compliance with inspection requirements in section 3313, the Secretary of the department in which in the Coast Guard is operating may, if the Secretary makes the determination described in subsection (b), extend, for a period of not more than 1 year, an expiring certificate of documentation issued for a vessel under chapter 121.
(b)Determination.—The determination referred to in subsection (a) is a determination that such extension is required to enable the Coast Guard to—
(1) eliminate a backlog in processing applications for such certificates; or
(2) act in response to a national emergency or natural disaster.
(c)Manner of Extension.—Any extension granted under this section may be granted to individual vessels or to a specifically identified group of vessels.
(Added Pub. L. 116–283, div. G, title LVXXXIII [LXXXIII], § 8320(a), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4701.)