Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 25—Fees for NRC Access Authorization

The NRC application fee for an access authorization of type . . . Is the sum of the current DCSA investigation billing rate charged for an investigation of type . . . Plus the NRC's processing
fee (rounded to the nearest
dollar), which is equal to
the investigation billing
rate for the type of
investigation referenced
multiplied by . . .
Initial “L” access authorization 1Tier 3 (T3) (Standard Service)90.2 Reinstatement of “L” access authorization 2No fee assessed for most applications Renewal of “L” access authorization 1Tier 3 Reinvestigation (T3R) (Standard Service)90.2 Initial “Q” access authorizationTier 5 (T5) (Standard Service)90.2 Initial “Q” access authorizationT5 (Priority Handling)90.2 Reinstatement of “Q” access authorization 2No fee assessed for most applications Renewal of “Q” access authorization 1Tier 5 Reinvestigation (T5R) (Standard Service)90.2 Renewal of “Q” access authorization 1Tier 5 Reinvestigation (T5R) (Priority Handling)90.2

1 If the NRC determines, based on its review of available data, that a Tier 5 investigation is necessary, the appropriate fee for an Initial “Q” access authorization will be assessed before the conduct of investigation.

2 Full fee will only be charged if an investigation is required.

[87 FR 45242, July 28, 2022]