View all text of Part 269 [§ 269.1 - § 269.12]

§ 269.5 -

(a) Once there has been a final determination of the existence of an appropriate bargaining unit under the procedure in § 269.4, and a showing by a labor organization that it has cards signed by at least thirty percent (30%) of the employees in such unit requesting a representation election, an election shall be ordered by the Special Tribunal. A labor organization shall be recognized as the exclusive bargaining representative of the unit if it is selected by a majority of the employees in the unit actually voting.

(b) The election shall be held under the auspices of the Association and shall be subject to its election rules and regulations. However, if there should be any conflict between such rules and regulations and the provisions of this Policy, the latter shall prevail. The fees charged by the Association for its election service shall be borne equally by the labor organization and the Bank.

(c) An election to determine whether a labor organization should continue as the exclusive bargaining representative of a particular unit shall be held when requested by a petition or other bona fide showing by at least thirty percent (30%) of the employees of that unit. Any dispute as to whether thirty percent (30%) of the employees requested such an election shall be resolved by the same procedure as that set forth in § 269.4(b). The election shall be held under the auspices of the Association in the same manner described in paragraph (b) of this section. The recognition of a labor organization as the exclusive bargaining representative of a unit shall be revoked if a majority of the employees in the unit who actually vote signify approval of such revocation.

(d) Only one election may be held in any unit in a twelve (12) month period to determine whether a labor organization should become, or continue to be recognized as, the exclusive representative of the employees in that unit.

(e) Upon receipt of a request for an election from a labor organization under § 269.4(a), it shall be incumbent on the Bank, labor organization and all others to refrain from any conduct, action or policy that interferes with or restrains employees from making a fair and free choice in selecting or rejecting a bargaining representative consistent with the right of the Bank, labor organization or employees to exercise privileges of free speech in the expression of any views, argument or opinion, or the dissemination thereof, whether in oral, written, printed, graphic or visual form.

(f) The Special Tribunal shall hear and decide any post-election objections of a Bank or labor organization filed with it claiming that a violation of paragraph (e) of this section has improperly affected the outcome of the election. Such objections must be filed with the Special Tribunal no later than five (5) business days after the date of election. In the event of such violation by a Bank, labor organization or other individuals or organizations which the Special Tribunal finds sufficient to have prejudiced the outcome of an election, appropriate remedial action shall be taken in the form of setting aside the election results and ordering a new election, provided, however, that an appeal from the order of the Special Tribunal may be taken within thirty (30) calendar days to the Federal Reserve System Labor Relations Panel by either the affected Bank or labor organization. The ruling of the System Panel shall be final and binding. Neither the Special Tribunal nor the Federal Reserve System Labor Relations Panel shall have the authority to direct a Bank to recognize a labor organization as the exclusive collective bargaining representative without a valid election being held in which a majority of the employees actually voting have so designated such labor organization.

(g) The Special Tribunal and the Federal Reserve System Labor Relations Panel will adhere to any rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Governors for the administration of the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.