Appendix C - Appendix C to Part 39—Daily Reporting Data Fields

A. Daily Cash Flow Reporting
Field name Description House &
Common Fields (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Total Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileMM FIXML Message TypeFinancial Information eXchange Markup Language (FIXML) account summary report typeMM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued derivatives clearing organization (DCO) identifierMM To IDIndicate “CFTC”MM Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedMM Report IDA unique identifier assigned by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to each clearing member reportMM Report DateThe business date of the information being reportedMM Base CurrencyBase currency referenced throughout report; provide exchange rate against this currencyMM Report Time (Message Create Time)The report “as of” or information cut-off timeMM DCO IdentifierCFTC-assigned identifier for a DCOMM Clearing Participant IdentifierDCO-assigned identifier for a particular clearing memberMM Clearing Participant NameThe name of the clearing memberMM Fund Segregation TypeClearing fund segregation typeMM Clearing Participant LEILegal entity identifier (LEI) for a particular clearing member per International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17442CC Clearing Participant LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the clearing member LEICC Customer Position IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customer position accountCN/A Customer Position NameThe name associated with the customer position identifierMN/A Customer Position Account TypeType of account used for reportingCN/A Customer LEILEI for a particular customer; provide if availableN/AC Customer LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the customer position LEIN/AC Margin AccountMargin account identifierMN/A Customer Margin NameThe name associated with the customer margin identifierN/AC Unique Margin IdentifierA single field that uniquely identifies the margin account. This field is used to identify associated positionsMM Customer Margin IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customerN/AM Customer Margin Account TypeAccount type indicatorN/AM Futures and Options (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Concentration RiskRisk factor component to capture costs associated with the liquidation of a large positionCC Delivery MarginMargin collected to cover delivery riskCN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMM Liquidity RiskRisk component to capture bid/offer costs associated with the liquidation of a large portfolio.CC Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMN/A Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Market Move RiskMargin amount associated with market move riskCC Margin SavingsThe margin savings amount for the clearing member where there is a cross-margining agreement with another DCOCN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCC Net Option ValueThe credit or debit amount based on the long or short options positionsCC Backdated Profit and LossThe profit and loss (P&L) attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateON/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark-to-market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Customer Margin Omnibus ParentThe margin identifier for the omnibus account associated with the customer margin identifier. (Conditional on reported customer position being part of a separately reported omnibus account position.)N/AC Commodity Swaps (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMM Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMM Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., profit/loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)CN/A Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateCN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark to market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Credit Default Swaps (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Concentration RiskRisk factor component to capture costs associated with the liquidation of a large positionCC Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMM Liquidity RiskRisk component to capture bid/offer costs associated with the liquidation of a large portfolio.CC Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMC Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Spread Response RiskRisk factor component associated with credit spread level changes and credit term structure shape changesCC Systemic RiskRisk factor component to capture parallel shift of credit spreadsCC Curve RiskRisk factor that captures curve shifts based on portfolioCC Index Spread RiskRisk factor component associated with risks due to widening/tightening spreads of credit default swap (CDS) indices relative to each otherCC Sector RiskRisk factor component to capture sector riskCC Jump to Default RiskRisk factor component to capture most extreme up/down move of a reference entityCC Basis RiskRisk factor component to capture basis risk between index and index constituent reference entitiesCC Interest Rate RiskRisk factor component associated with parallel shift movements in interest ratesCC Jump to Health RiskRisk factor component to capture extreme narrowing of credit spreads of a reference entity; also known as “idiosyncratic risk”CC Other RiskAny other risk factors included in the margin modelCC Recovery Rate Sensitivity RiskRisk factor component to capture fluctuations of recovery rate assumptionsCC Wrong Way RiskRisk that occurs when exposure to a counterparty is adversely correlated with the credit quality of that counterparty. It arises when default risk and credit exposure increase togetherCC Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Initial CouponAmount of coupon premium amount accrued from the start of the current coupon period through the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)ON/A Upfront PaymentThe difference in market value between the standard coupon and the market spread as well as the coupon accrued through the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)ON/A Trade Cash AdjustmentAdditional cash amount on trades. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)CN/A Quarterly CouponRegular payment of quarterly coupon premium amounts. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)ON/A Credit Event PaymentsCash settlement of credit events. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)CN/A Accrued CouponCoupon obligation from the first day of the coupon period through the current clearing trade date. The sum of accrued coupon for each position in the clearing member's portfolio (by origin).MN/A Final Mark to MarketDetermined by marking the end-of-day position from par (100%) to the end-of-day settlement priceMN/A Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateCN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark-to-market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Previous Accrued CouponPrevious day's accrued couponMN/A Previous Mark to MarketPrevious day's mark to marketMN/A Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidMN/A Foreign Exchange (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-ons.MM Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMM Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Other PaymentsIncludes any upfront and/or final/settlement payments made/received for the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)MN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidMN/A Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateCN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark-to-market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Interest Rate Swaps (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMM Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMM Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Cross-Margined Products Profit/LossP&L resulting from changes in value due to changes in the futures price. This P&L should only include changes to the cross-margined futures in the accountCN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Other PaymentsIncludes any upfront and/or final/settlement payments made/received for the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)CN/A Net Coupon PaymentNet amount of any coupon cash flows recognized on report date but actually occurring on currency's settlement convention date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)MN/A Net Present ValueNet present value (NPV) of all positions by currencyMN/A Net Present Value PreviousPrevious day's NPV by currencyMN/A PV of Other PaymentsIncludes the present value of any upfront and/or final/settlement payments that will be settled after the report date. Only include amounts that are affecting the NPV of current tradesMN/A Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidMN/A Accrued CouponCoupon obligation from the first day of the coupon period through the current clearing trade date. The sum of accrued coupon for each position in the clearing member's portfolio (by origin)MN/A Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateCN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark-to-market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L).MN/A Equity Cross Margin (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-ons resulting from liquidity/concentration chargesMM Liquidity RiskRisk component to capture bid/offer costs associated with the liquidation of a large portfolioCC Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade date.MN/A Total MarginThe total margin requirement for the origin. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMN/A Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by origin.MN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Net Option ValueThe credit or debit amount based on the long or short options positionsCC Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior date.CN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark to market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Consolidated (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMN/A Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe consolidated non-U.S. margin requirement for the origin. The consolidated non-U.S. margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMN/A Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerCN/A Backdated Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to positions added that were novated on a prior dateCN/A Day Trading Profit and LossThe P&L attributed to the day's tradesCN/A Position Profit and LossThe P&L of the previous day's position with today's price movementCN/A Total Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark-to-market value of position(s) including change in mark to market (Total P&L = Position P&L + Day Trading P&L + Backdated P&L)MN/A Exempt DCO (Daily Cash Flow Reporting)Additional MarginAny additional margin required in excess of initial margin. For example, this figure should include any liquidity/concentration charge if the charge is not included in the initial marginMN/A Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsMN/A Margin CallsAny outstanding margin call that has been issued but not collected as of the end of the trade dateMN/A Total MarginThe U.S. person margin requirement for the origin by currency contribution. If the traded currency's swaps (i.e., JY) offset risk of other currencies, include an amount of zero for that currency. This margin requirement should include the initial margin requirement plus any additional margin required by the DCOMN/A Variation MarginVariation margin should include the net sum of all cash flows between the DCO and clearing members by originMN/A Collateral on DepositThe collateral on deposit for an origin. This amount should include all collateral after all haircuts that have been deposited to cover the total margin requirementMN/A Mark-to-MarketDetermined by marking the end of day position(s) from par (100%) to the end of day settlement priceMN/A

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

B. Daily Position Reporting
Field name Description Use Common Fields (Daily Position Reporting)Total Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileM FIXML Message TypeFIXML account summary report typeM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued DCO identifierM To IDIndicate “CFTC”M Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedM Report IDA unique identifier assigned by the CFTC to each clearing member reportM Report DateThe business date of the information being reportedM Base CurrencyBase currency referenced throughout report; provide exchange rate against this currencyM Report Time (Message Create Time)The report “as of” or information cut-off timeM Message EventThe event source being reportedM Market Segment IDMarket segment associated with the position reportM DCO IdentifierCFTC-assigned identifier for a DCOM Clearing Participant IdentifierDCO-assigned identifier for a particular clearing memberM Clearing Participant NameThe name of the clearing memberM Fund Segregation TypeClearing fund segregation typeM Clearing Participant LEILEI for a particular clearing memberC Clearing Participant LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the clearing member LEIC Customer Position IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customer position accountC Customer Position NameThe name associated with the customer position identifierM Customer Position Account TypeType of account used for reportingC Customer Position LEILEI for a particular customer; must be provided when availableC Customer Position LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the Customer Position LEIC Customer Margin IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customerC Customer Margin NameThe name associated with the customer margin identifierC Unique Margin IdentifierA single field that uniquely identifies the margin account. This field is used to identify associated positionsM Futures and Options (Daily Position Reporting)Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateM Cross-Margin EntityName of the entity associated with a cross-margined accountC Exchange Commodity CodeContract commodity code issued by the exchange; e.g., ticker symbol, the human recognizable trading identifierM Clearing Commodity CodeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. The code is for the contract as if it was traded in the form it is cleared. For example, if the contract was traded as a spread but cleared as an outright, the outright symbol should be usedM Product TypeIndicates the type of product with which the security is associatedC Security TypeIndicates type of securityM Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Asset SubtypeProvides a more specific description of the asset typeC Security Group (Sector)A name assigned to a group of related instruments which may be concurrently affected by market events and actionsC Unit Leverage FactorThe multiplier needed to convert a change of one point of the quoted index into local currency P&L for a 1-unit long positionM UnitsUnit of measureM Settlement MethodMethod of settlementC Exchange Identifier (MIC)Exchange where the instrument is traded, per ISO 10383M Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentM Unique Product IdentifierA single field that uniquely identifies a given product. All positions with this identifier will have the same priceM Alternate Product Identifier—Spread Underlying LongWhen a contract represents a differential between two products, the product code that represents the long position in the spread for long position in the combined contractC Alternate Product Identifier—Spread Underlying ShortWhen a contract represents a differential between two products, the product code that represents the long position in the spread for short position in the combined contractC Last Trading DateThe last day of trading in a futures contractM First Notice DateThe first date on which delivery notices are issuedC Position (Long)Long position size. If a position is quoted in a unit of measure (UOM) different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Position (Short)Short position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Settlement FX InfoSettlement price foreign exchange conversion rateM Change in Settlement PriceThe quoted price change between the prior trading day's settlement and today's settlementM Unit Currency P&LThe local currency P&L between the prior trading day's settlement and today's settlement for a 1-unit long positionM Outright Initial MarginInitial margin for the position as if it were a stand-alone outright positionC Option Exercise StyleExercise styleC Option Strike PriceOption strike priceC Option Put/Call IndicatorOption typeC Underlying Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateC Underlying Exchange Commodity CodeUnderlying Contract code issued by the exchangeC Underlying Clearing Commodity CodeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. The code is for the contract as if it was traded in the form it is cleared. For example, if the contract was traded as a spread but cleared as an outright, the outright symbol should be usedC Underlying Product TypeIndicates the type of product the security is associated withC Underlying Security TypeIndicator which identifies the underlying derivative typeC Underlying Security Group (Sector)A name assigned to a group of related instruments which may be concurrently affected by market events and actionsC Underlying Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityC Underlying Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Underlying Asset ClassThe underlying broad asset category for assessing risk exposureC Underlying Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Underlying Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Underlying Asset SubtypeProvides a more specific description of the asset type.C Underlying Exchange Code (MIC)Exchange where the underlying instrument is tradedC Underlying Security DescriptionTextual description of a financial instrumentC Unique Underlying Product CodeA single field that is the result of concatenating relevant fields that create a unique product ID that is associated with a unique priceC Primary Options Exchange Code—Implied Volatility QuoteThis field identifies the main options chain for the future that provides the implied volatility quoteC DELTADelta is the measure of how the option's value varies with changes in the underlying priceC Implied VolatilityThe implied volatility and quotation style for the contract, typically in natural log percent or index pointsC Customer Margin Omnibus ParentThe margin identifier for the omnibus account associated with the customer margin identifier. (Conditional on reported customer position being part of a separately reported omnibus account position)C Commodity Swaps (Daily Position Reporting)Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateM Exchange Commodity CodeContract commodity code issued by the exchange; e.g., ticker symbol, the human recognizable trading identifierM Clearing Commodity CodeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. The code is for the contract as if it was traded in the form it is cleared. For example, if the contract was traded as a spread but cleared as an outright, the outright symbol should be usedM Product TypeIndicates the type of product with which the security is associatedC Security Group (Sector)A name assigned to a group of related instruments which may be concurrently affected by market events and actionsC Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to 17 CFR 45.7O Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Unit Leverage FactorThe multiplier needed to convert a change of one point of the quoted index into local currency P&L for a 1-unit long positionC Minimum TickMinimum price tick incrementC UnitsUnit of measureM Settlement MethodSwap settlement methodC Exchange Identifier (MIC)Exchange where the instrument is tradedM Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentC Security TypeIndicates type of securityM Position (Long)Long position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Position (Short)Short position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., profit/loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)C Settlement FX InfoSettlement price foreign exchange conversion rateM Universal (or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. The USI namespace and the USI should be separated by a pipe “|” characterM Option Exercise StyleExercise styleC Option Put/Call IndicatorOption typeM Option Strike PriceOption strike priceM Underlying Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateM Underlying Exchange Commodity CodeUnderlying Contract code issued by the exchangeC Underlying Clearing Commodity CodeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. The code is for the contract as if it was traded in the form it is cleared. For example, if the contract was traded as a spread but cleared as an outright, the outright symbol should be usedM Underlying Product TypeIndicates the type of product the security is associated withC Underlying Security Group (Sector)A name assigned to a group of related instruments which may be concurrently affected by market events and actionsC Underlying Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityM Underlying Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Underlying Asset ClassThe underlying broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Underlying Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Underlying Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Underlying Exchange Code (MIC)Exchange where the underlying instrument is tradedM Underlying Security TypeIndicates type of securityM Underlying Security DescriptionTextual description of a financial instrumentC DELTADelta is the measure of how the option's value varies with changes in the underlying priceC Credit Default Swaps (Daily Position Reporting)Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateM Exchange Security IdentifierContract code issued by the exchangeO RedcodeThe code assigned to the CDS by Markit that identifies the referenced entity or the index, series and version. (Underlying instrument is required for Security Type = SWAPTION.)M Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to Commission regulation 17 CFR 45.7O Security TypeIndicator which identifies the derivative typeM Restructuring TypeThis field is used if the index has been restructured due to a credit eventM Seniority TypeThe class of debtM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Reference Entity Type (Sector)Specifies the type of reference entity for first-to-default CDS basket contracts. The Markit sector code should be provided when availableM Coupon RateThe coupon rate associated with this CDS transaction stated in Basis PointsM Security Description (Reference Entity)Name of CDS index or single-name or sovereign debtM Recovery FactorThe assumed recovery rate used to determine the CDS priceO Position (Long)Long position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Position (Short)Short position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM 5 YR Equivalent NotionalThe five-year equivalent notional amount for each risk factor/reference entity CDS contractM Accrued CouponCoupon obligation from the first day of the coupon period through the current clearing trade dateM Profit and LossUnrealized P&L or mark to market value of position(s) including change in mark to market plus change in accrued coupon plus change in unsettled upfront fees. Does not include cash flows related to quarterly coupon payments, credit event payments, or price alignment interestM Credit Exposure (CS01)The credit exposure of the swap at a given point in time. CS01 = Spread DV01 = “dollar” value of a basis point = In currency (not percentage) terms, the change in fair value of the leg, transaction, position, or portfolio (as appropriate) commensurate with a 1 basis point (0.01 percent) instantaneous, hypothetical increase in the related credit spread curves. CS01/Spread DV01 may refer to non-dollar currencies and related curves. From the DCO's point of view: positive CS01 = gain in value resulting from 1 basis point increase, negative CS01 = loss of value resulting from 1 basis point increaseC Mark to MarketDetermined by marking the end of day position(s) from par (100%) to the end of day settlement priceM Price Value of a Basis Point (PV01)Change in P&L of a position given a one basis point move in CDS spread value. May also be referred to as DV01, Sprd DV01M Previous Accrued CouponPrevious day's accrued couponM Previous Mark to MarketPrevious day's mark to marketM Universal (or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. The USI namespace and the USI should be separated by a pipe “|” characterO Option Strike PriceOption strike priceC Settlement MethodMethod of settlementC Option Exercise StyleExercise styleC Option Put/Call IndicatorOption typeC Option TypeSpecifies the option typeC Option Start DateThe option adjusted start dateC Option Expiration Date—AdjustedThe CDS option adjusted expiration dateC Underlying Exchange Security IdentifierThe underlying contract alias used by outside vendors to uniquely identify the contractO Underlying Clearing Security Identifier (Red Code)The underlying code assigned to the CDS by Markit that identifies the referenced entity or the index, series and versionC Underlying Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to Commission regulation 17 CFR 45.7O Underlying Security TypeIndicator which identifies the underlying derivative typeC Underlying Restructuring TypeThis field is used if the underlying index has been restructured due to a credit eventC Underlying Seniority TypeThe underlying class of debtC Underlying Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Underlying Asset ClassThe underlying broad asset category for assessing risk exposureC Underlying Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Underlying Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Underlying Reference Entity Type (Sector)Specifies the type of underlying reference entity for first-to-default CDS basket contractsC Underlying Coupon RateThe underlying coupon rate associated with this CDS transaction stated in basis pointsC Underlying Security DescriptionTextual description of a financial instrumentC Underlying Recovery FactorThe assumed recovery rate used to determine the underlying CDS priceC DELTADelta is the measure of how the option's value varies with changes in the underlying priceM GAMMAGamma is the rate of change for delta with respect to the underlying asset's priceM RHORho measures the sensitivity of an option's price to a variation in the risk-free interest rateM THETATheta is the rate at which an option loses value as time passesM VEGAVega is the measurement of an option's sensitivity to changes in the volatility of the underlying assetM Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerC Option Premium DateDate swaption premium is paidC Foreign Exchange (Daily Position Reporting)Settle DateSettle date of the positionM Settlement Price/Fixing CurrencySettlement price of the positionM Discount FactorDiscount factor for the position. Use the factor for the Mark to Market (MTM) currencyM Valuation DateValuation date of the positionM Delivery DateDelivery date of the positionM Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for a particular contractM Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to Commission regulation 17 CFR 45.7O Security TypeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. (Underlying instrument is required for Security Type = FXOPT | FXNDO.)M Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityC Maturity Date (Expiration)Specifies date of maturity (a calendar date). Used for FXFWD/FXNDF. For non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), this represents the fixing date of the contractC Maturity Time (Expiration)The contract expiration time. (Used for FXFWD/FXNDF.)C Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Valuation MethodSpecifies the type of valuation method appliedC Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentC Foreign Exchange TypeIdentifies the type of FX contract. Use Typ = 7 for direct FX (e.g., EUR/USD). Use Typ = 16 for NDFWD contracts (e.g., THB/INR settled in USD)M Currency OneSpecifies the first or only reference currency of the tradeM Currency TwoSpecifies the second reference currency of the tradeM Quote BasisFor foreign exchange quanto option featureM Fixed Rate(FXFWD or FXNDF only). Specifies the forward FX rate alternativeC Spot RateSpecifies the FX spot rates the first or only reference currency of the tradeC Forward Points(FXFWD or FXNDF only) The interest rate differential in basis points between the base and quote currencies in a forward rate quote. May be a negative value. (The number of basis points added to or subtracted from the current spot rate of a currency pair to determine the forward rate for delivery on a specific value date.)C Delivery Type IndicatorDelivery type indicatorM Position—LongGross long position. An affirmative zero value should be reported for the long position. (Both long and short positions are required.) For FXNDF use Typ = DLV for settlement currencyM Position—ShortGross short position. An affirmative zero value should be reported for the short position. (Both long and short positions are required.) For FXNDF use Typ = DLV for settlement currencyM Final Mark to MarketMark to market which includes the discount factorM Dollar Value of a Basis Point (DV01)—Long CurrencyThe dollar value of a one basis point change (DV01) in the yield of the underlying security and that of the hedging vehicleM Dollar Value of a Basis Point (DV01)—Short CurrencyThe dollar value of a one basis point change (DV01) in the yield of the underlying security and that of the hedging vehicleM Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., profit/loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)M Undiscounted Mark to MarketMark to market, which does not include the discount factorM Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidM Universal (or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. The USI namespace and the USI should be separated by a pipe “|” characterM Option Put/Call IndicatorOption typeC Strike RateOption strike rateC Option Exercise StyleExercise styleC Option Cut NameThe code by which the expiry time is known in the marketC Underlying Settlement Price/Fixing CurrencySettlement price for the position. (Underlying settlement is required for FXOPT, FXNDO.)C Underlying Exchange Security CodeSecurity code issued by the exchange; e.g., ticker symbol, the human recognizable trading identifierC Underlying Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for the underlying contractC Underlying Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to Commission regulation 17 CFR 45.7O Underlying Security TypeIndicator which identifies the underlying derivativeC Underlying Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityC Underlying Maturity Date (Expiration)For FXFWD/FXNDF, the date on which the principal amount becomes due. For NDFs, this represents the fixing date of the contractC Underlying Exchange Identifier (MIC)Exchange where the underlying instrument is tradedC Underlying Security DescriptionTextual description of a financial instrumentC Option Long/Short IndicatorIndicates whether the option is short or longC Option ExpirationAdjusted option expiration dateC Notional Long/ShortFX currency notional long or shortM Implied VolatilityThe implied volatility and quotation style for the contract, typically in natural log percent or index pointsC DELTADelta is the measure of how the option's value varies with changes in the underlying priceM GAMMAGamma is the rate of change for delta with respect to the underlying asset's priceM RHORho measures the sensitivity of an option's price to a variation in the risk-free interest rateM THETATheta is the rate at which an option loses value as time passesM VEGAVega is the measurement of an option's sensitivity to changes in the volatility of the underlying assetM Option Premium MTMPremium mark to market, which includes the discount factorC Interest Rate Swaps (Daily Position Reporting)Cleared DateDate on which the trade was cleared at the DCOM Position StatusPosition status: active, or terminated. Terminated positions should only be reported on the day of terminationM DCO Pays IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the DCO paysM DCO Receives IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the DCO receivesM Clearing Participant Pays IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the clearing member paysM Clearing Participant Receives IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the clearing member receivesM Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for a particular contractM Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to Commission regulation 17 CFR 45.7O Security TypeRegistered commodity clearing identifierM Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Swap ClassThe classification or type of swapM Swap SubclassThe sub-classification or notional schedule type of the swapC Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentM Leg TypeIdentifies if the leg is fixed or floatingM Leg NotionalNotional amount associated with legM Leg Notional CurrencyCurrency of the leg's notional amountM Leg Start Date Adj Bus Day ConvIf start date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines how to adjust actual start dateC Leg Start DateLeg's effective dateM Leg Maturity Date Adj Bus Day ConvIf the maturity date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines how to adjust actual maturity dateC Leg Maturity DateThe date on which the leg's principal amount becomes dueM Leg Maturity Date Adj CalendarRegarding the maturity date, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Calculation Period Adjusted Business Day ConventionIf a date defining the calculation period falls on a holiday, this adjusts the actual dates based on the definition of the inputC Leg Calculation FrequencyCalculation frequency, also known as the compounding frequency for compounded swapsM Leg First Reg Per Start DateIf there is a beginning stub, this indicates the date when the usual payment periods will beginC Leg Last Reg Per End DateIf there is an ending stub, this indicates the date when the usual payment periods will endC Leg Roll ConvIndicates the day of the month when the payment is madeC Leg Calc Per Adj CalendarRegarding the calculation period, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg DaycountDefines how interest is accrued/calculatedC Leg Comp MethodIf payments are made on one timeframe but calculations are made on a shorter timeframe, this describes how to compound interestC Leg Pay Adj Bus Day ConvIf cash flow pay or receive date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines actual date payment is madeC Leg Pay FrequencyFrequency at which payments are madeM Leg Pay Relative ToPayment relative to the beginning or end of the periodC Leg Payment LagNumber of business days after payment due date on which the payment is actually madeC Leg Pay Adj CalendarRegarding dates on which cash flow payments/receipts are scheduled, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Reset Relative ToSpecifies whether reset dates are determined with respect to each adjusted calculation period start date or adjusted calculation period end dateC Leg Reset Date Adj Bus Day ConvBusiness day convention to apply to each reset date if the reset date falls on a holidayC Leg Reset FrequencyFrequency at which resets occur. If the Leg Reset Frequency is greater than the calculation per frequency, more than 1 reset date should be established for each calculation per frequency and some form of rate averaging is applicableC Leg Fixing Date Bus Day ConvBusiness day convention to apply to each fixing date if the fixing date falls on a holidayC Leg Fixing Date OffsetSpecifies the fixing date relative to the reset date in terms of a business days offsetC Leg Fixing Day TypeThe type of days to use to find the fixing date (i.e., business days, calendar days, etc.)C Leg Reset Date Adj CalendarRegarding reset dates, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Fixing Date CalendarRegarding the fixing date, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Fixed Rate or AmountOnly populate if Leg1 is Type “Fixed”. This should be expressed in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Leg IndexIf Stream is floating rate, this gives the index applicable to the floating rateC Leg Index TenorFor the floating rate leg, the tenor of the leg. For the fixed rate leg, NULLC Leg SpreadDescribes if there is a spread (typically an add-on) applied to the coupon rateC Leg Pmt Sched NotionalVariable notional swap notional valuesC Leg Initial Stub RateThe interest rate applicable to the Initial Stub Period in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Leg Initial Stub Rate Index 1Stub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the first indexC Leg Initial Stub Rate Index 2 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the second indexC Leg Final Stub RateThe interest rate applicable to the final stub period in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Leg Final Stub Rate Index 1Stub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the first indexC Leg Final Stub Rate Index 2 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the second indexC Accrued Coupon (Interest)Net accrued coupon amount since the last payment in the leg currency. If reported by leg, indicate the associated stream (leg) description (e.g., “FIXED/FLOAT,” “FLOAT1/FLOAT2”)M Profit/LossProfit/loss resulting from changes in value due to changes in underlying curve movements or floating index rate resets. This should exclude impacts to NPVs from extraneous cash flows (price alignment interest, fees, and coupons)M Leg Current Period RateIf leg is a floating leg, this indicates the current rate used to calculate the next floating Leg coupon in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)M Leg Coupon PaymentCoupon amount for T + 1 in the leg currency. This should reflect the net cash flow that will actually occur on the following business day. Negative number indicates that a payment was madeM Dollar Value of Basis Point (DV01)Change in value in USD if the relevant pricing curve is shifted up by 1 basis point. DV01 = “dollar” value of a basis point in currency (not percentage) terms, the change in fair value of the leg, transaction, position, or portfolio (as appropriate) commensurate with a 1 basis point (0.01 percent) instantaneous, hypothetical increase in the related zero-coupon curves. DV01 may refer to non-dollar currencies and related curves. From the DCO's point of view: positive DV01 = profit/gain resulting from 1 basis point increase, negative DV01 = loss resulting from 1 basis point increaseM Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., Profit/Loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)M Net Present ValueNet present value (NPV) of all positions by currencyM Present Value of Other PaymentsIncludes the present value of any upfront and/or final/settlement payments that will be settled after the report date. Only include amounts that are affecting the NPV of current tradesM Net Present Value PreviousPrevious day's NPV by currencyC Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidM Other PaymentsIncludes any upfront and/or final/settlement payments made/received for the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)C Universal (or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. The USI namespace and the USI should be separated by a pipe “|” characterC Leg Initial ExchangeAmount of any exchange of cash flow at initiation of trade being clearedC Leg Initial Exchange DateDate that the initial exchange is set to occurC Leg Final ExchangeAmount of any exchange of cash flow at maturity of tradeC Leg Final Exchange DateDate that the final exchange is set to occurC Option Exercise StyleExercise styleC Option TypeSpecifies the option typeC Option Start DateThe option adjusted start dateC Option Adjusted Expiration DateThe IRS swaption adjusted expiration dateC Option Buy/Sell IndicatorIndicates the buyer or seller of a swap streamC Underlying Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for the underlying contractC Underlying Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to 17 CFR 45.7C Underlying Security TypeIndicator which identifies the underlying derivativeC Underlying Asset ClassThe underlying broad asset category for assessing risk exposureC Underlying Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Underlying Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Underlying Swap ClassThe classification or type of swapC Underlying Swap SubclassThe sub-classification or notional schedule type of the swapC Underlying Security DescriptionTextual description of a financial instrumentC Underlying Security Leg TypeIdentifies if the leg is fixed or floatingC Underlying Security Leg NotionalNotional amount associated with legC Underlying Security Leg CurrencyCurrency of this leg's notional amountC Underlying Security Leg IndexIf stream is floating rate, this gives the index applicable to the floating rateC Underlying Security Leg Index TenorFor the floating rate leg, the tenor of the leg. For the fixed rate leg, NULLC Underlying Security Leg Fixed Rate Or AmountOnly populate if Leg1 is type “Fixed”. This should be in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Underlying Security Leg SpreadIndicates whether there is a spread (typically an add-on) applied to the coupon rateC DELTADelta is the measure of how the option's value varies with changes in the underlying priceM GAMMAGamma is the rate of change for delta with respect to the underlying asset's priceM RHORho measures the sensitivity of an option's price to a variation in the risk-free interest rateM THETATheta is the rate at which an option loses value as time passesM VEGAVega is the measurement of an option's sensitivity to changes in the volatility of the underlying assetM Option PremiumPremium registered on the given trading date. The amount of money that the options buyer must pay the options sellerC Option Premium DateDate option premium is paidC Trade DateDate a transaction was originally executed, resulting in the generation of a new USI. For clearing swaps, the date when the DCO accepts the original swapM Event DescriptionDescription for each position recordC Forward Rate Agreements (Daily Position Reporting)Previous Business DatePrevious business dateM Position StatusPosition status: active or terminated. Terminated positions should only be reported on the day of terminationM DCO Pays IndicatorIndicates which cash flow the DCO paysM DCO Receives IndicatorIndicates which cash flow the DCO receivesM Clearing Participant Pays IndicatorIndicates which cash flow the clearing member paysM Clearing Participant Receives IndicatorIndicates which cash flow the clearing member receivesM Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for a particular contractM Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to 17 CFR 45.7O Security TypeRegistered commodity clearing identifierM Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC FRA TypeType of swap streamM Notional AmountStream notional amountM Notional CurrencyCurrency of leg notional amountM Start DateDate the position was establishedM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueM Payment Day Count ConventionDefines how interest is accrued/calculatedM Payment Accrual DaysNumber of accrual days between the effective date and maturity dateM First Payment DateDate on which the payment is made. Always report the adjusted dateC Reset Date Bus Day ConventionBusiness day convention to apply to each fixing date if the fixing date falls on a holidayM Reset Date Fixing DateDate on which the payment is fixed. Always report the adjusted dateM Fixed RateThe fixed amount in decimal termsM Float IndexThe index for the floating portion of the Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)M Float First TenorFirst tenor associated with the indexM Float Second TenorSecond tenor associated with the indexC Float SpreadIn basis point termsM Float Reference RateThe fixed floating rate in decimal termsM PV01Change in value in native currency if the relevant pricing curve is shifted up by 1 basis pointM Dollar Value of Basis Point (DV01)Change in value in USD if the relevant pricing curve is shifted up by 1 basis point. DV01 = “dollar” value of a basis point in currency (not percentage) terms, the change in fair value of the leg, transaction, position, or portfolio (as appropriate) commensurate with a 1 basis point (0.01 percent) instantaneous, hypothetical increase in the related zero-coupon curves. DV01 may refer to non-dollar currencies and related curves. From the DCO's point of view: positive DV01 = profit/gain resulting from 1 basis point increase, negative DV01 = loss resulting from 1 basis point increaseM Net Present ValueNet present value (NPV) of all positions by currencyM Settlement FX InfoSettlement price foreign exchange conversion rateM Net Present Value PreviousPrevious day's NPV by currencyM Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidM Universal (or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. The USI namespace and the USI should be separated by a pipe “|” characterC Settlement AmountThe amount paid/received on the Payment Date. Always report adjusted date. (The position pays on a negative amount.)M Other PaymentsIncludes any upfront and/or final/settlement payments made/received for the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)C Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., profit/loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)C Profit/LossProfit/Loss resulting from changes in value due to changes in underlying curve movements or floating index rate resets. Should exclude impacts to NPVs from extraneous cash flows (price alignment interest, fees, and coupons)C Present Value of Other PaymentsIncludes the present value of any upfront and/or final/settlement payments that will be settled after the report date. Only include amounts that are affecting the NPV of current tradesC Trade DateActual trade date for each position record (including specifically, the cleared date and the trade date)M Event DescriptionDescription for each position recordC Inflation Index Swaps (Daily Position Reporting)Cleared DateDate on which the trade was cleared at the DCOM Position StatusPosition's status: active or terminated. Terminated positions should only be reported on the day of terminationM DCO Pays IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the DCO paysM DCO Receives IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the DCO receivesM Clearing Participant Pays IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the clearing member paysM Clearing Participant Receives IndicatorIndicate which cash flow the clearing member receivesM Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for a particular contractM Unique Product IdentifierA unique set of characters that represents a particular swap. The Commission will designate a UPI pursuant to 17 CFR 45.7O Security TypeRegistered commodity clearing identifierM Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Swap ClassThe classification or type of swapM Swap SubclassThe sub-classification or notional schedule type of the swapC Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentM Leg TypeIdentifies if the leg is fixed or floatingM Leg NotionalNotional amount associated with legM Leg Notional CurrencyCurrency of the leg's notional amountM Leg Start Date Adj Bus Day ConvIf start date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines how to adjust actual start dateC Leg Start DateLeg's effective dateM Leg Maturity Date Adj Bus Day ConvIf the maturity date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines how to adjust actual maturity dateC Leg Maturity DateThe date on which the leg's principal amount becomes dueM Leg Maturity Date Adj CalendarRegarding the maturity date, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Calc Per Adj Bus Day ConvIf a date defining the calculation period falls on a holiday, this adjusts the actual dates based on the definition of the inputC Leg Calc FrequencyCalculation frequency, also known as the compounding frequency for compounded swapsM Leg Roll ConvDescribes the day of the month when the payment is madeC Leg Calc Per Adj CalendarRegarding the calculation period, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Stream DaycountDefines how interest is accrued/calculatedM Payment Stream Comp MethodIf payments are made on one timeframe but calculations are made on a shorter timeframe, this describes how to compound interestC Payment Stream Business Day ConvIf cash flow pay or receive date falls on a weekend or holiday, value defines actual date payment is madeC Payment Stream FrequencyFrequency at which payments are madeM Payment Stream Relative ToSpecifies the anchor date when the payment date is relative to that dateC Payment Stream First DateThe unadjusted first payment dateC Payment Stream Last Regular DateThe unadjusted last regular payment dateC Payment Leg CalendarRegarding dates on which cash flow payments/receipts are scheduled, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Reset Date Bus Day ConvBusiness day convention to apply to each reset date if the reset date falls on a holidayC Leg Reset Date Relative ToSpecifies the anchor date when reset date is relative to that dateC Leg Reset FrequencyFrequency at which resets occur. If the Leg Reset Frequency is greater than the calculation per frequency, more than 1 reset date should be established for each calculation per frequency and some form of rate averaging is applicableC Leg Reset Fixing Date OffsetSpecifies the fixing date relative to the reset date in terms of a business days offsetC Leg Fixing Day TypeThe type of days to use to find the fixing date (i.e., business days, calendar days, etc.)C Leg Reset Date CalendarRegarding reset dates, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Leg Fixing Date Bus Day ConvBusiness day convention to apply to each fixing date if the fixing date falls on a holidayC Leg Fixing Date CalendarRegarding the fixing date, this specifies which dates are considered holidaysC Fixed Leg Rate or AmountOnly populate if Leg1 is Type “Fixed”. This should be expressed in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as .04)C Floating Leg Inflation IndexIf leg is floating rate, this gives the index applicable to the floating rateC Floating Leg SpreadDescribes if there is a spread (typically an add-on) applied to the coupon rateC Floating Leg Payment Inflation LagNumber of business days after payment due date on which the payment is actually madeC Floating Leg Payment Inflation Interpolation MethodThe method used when calculating the inflation index level from multiple points. The most common is the linear methodC Floating Leg Inflation Index Initial LevelInitial known index level for the first calculation periodC Floating Leg Inflation Index Fallback Bond IndIndicates whether a fallback bond as defined in the 2006 International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Inflation Derivatives Definitions, sections 1.3 and 1.8, is applicable or not. If not specified, the default value is “Y” (True/Yes)O Leg Pmt Sched NotionalVariable notional swap notional valuesC Leg Stub TypeStubs apply to initial or ending periods that are shorter than the usual interval between paymentsC Leg Initial Stub Fixed RateThe interest rate applicable to the Initial Stub Period in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Leg Final Stub Fixed RateThe interest rate applicable to the final stub period in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)C Leg Initial Stub Floating Rate Index 1 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the first indexC Leg Initial Stub Floating Rate Index 2 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the second indexC Leg Final Stub Floating Rate Index 1 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the first indexC Leg Final Stub Rate Floating Index 2 TenorStub rate can be a linear interpolation between two floating rate tenors. E.g., if the stub period is 2 months, rate is linear interpolation of 1-month and 3-month reference rates. Specify the second indexC Leg First Reg Per Start DateIf there is a beginning stub, this describes the date when the usual payment periods will beginC Leg Last Reg Per End DateIf there is an ending stub, this describes the date when the usual payment periods will endC Leg Accrued Interest (Coupon)The net accrued coupon amount since the last payment in the leg currency. If reported by leg, indicate the associated stream (leg) description (e.g., “FIXED/FLOAT,” “FLOAT1/FLOAT2”)M Profit/LossProfit/Loss resulting from changes in value due to changes in underlying curve movements or floating index rate resets. This should exclude impacts to NPVs from extraneous cash flows (price alignment interest, fees, and coupons)M Leg Coupon AmountCoupon amount for T + 1 in the leg currency. This should reflect the net cash flow that will actually occur on the following business day. A negative number indicates payment was madeM Leg Current Period Coupon RateIf leg is a floating leg, this indicates the current rate used to calculate the next floating leg coupon in decimal form (e.g., 4% should be input as “.04”)M I01Change in value in native currency if the relevant pricing curve is shifted up by 1 basis pointM Dollar Value of Basis Point (DV01)Change in value in native currency of the swap/swaption/floor/cap if relevant pricing curve is shifted up by 1 basis point. DV01 = “dollar” value of a basis point in currency (not percentage) terms, the change in fair value of the leg, transaction, position, or portfolio (as appropriate) commensurate with a 1 basis point (0.01 percent) instantaneous, hypothetical increase in the related zero-coupon curves. DV01 may refer to non-dollar currencies and related curves. From the DCO's point of view: positive DV01 = profit/gain resulting from 1 basis point increase, negative DV01 = loss resulting from 1 basis point increaseM Net Cash FlowNet cash flow recognized on report date (with actual settlements occurring according to the currency's settlement conventions). E.g., profit/loss, price alignment interest, cash payments (fees, coupons, etc.)M Net Present ValueNet present value (NPV) of all positions by currencyM Present Value Of Other PaymentsIncludes the present value of any upfront and/or final/settlement payments that will be settled after the report date. Only include amounts that are affecting the NPV of current tradesM Net Present Value PreviousPrevious day's NPV by currencyC Price Alignment InterestTo minimize the impact of daily cash variation margin payments on the pricing of swaps, the DCO will charge interest on cumulative variation margin received and pay interest on cumulative variation margin paidM Universal or Unique) Swap IdentifierUniversal (or Unique) Swap Identifier (USI) namespace and USI. Enter the USI Namespace and the USI separated by a pipe “|” character.C Stream Initial ExchangeAmount of any exchange of cash flow at initiation of trade being clearedC Stream Initial Exchange DateDate that the initial exchange is set to occurC Stream Final ExchangeAmount of any exchange of cash flow at maturity of tradeC Stream Final Exchange DateDate that the final exchange is set to occurC Other PaymentsIncludes any upfront and/or final/settlement payments made/received for the trade date. (Indicate gross pay/collect amounts.)C Trade DateActual trade date for each position record (including specifically, the cleared date and the trade date)M Event DescriptionDescription for each position recordC Equity Cross Margin (Daily Position Reporting)Exchange Security IdentifierContract code issued by the exchangeM Clearing Security IdentifierCode assigned by the DCO for a particular contractM Product TypeIndicates the type of product the security is associated withC Security TypeIndicates type of securityM Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes due. For NDFs, this represents the fixing date of the contractC Asset ClassThe broad asset category for assessing risk exposureM Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Security DescriptionUsed to provide a textual description of a financial instrumentM Position (Long)Long position size. If a position is quoted in a unit of measure (UOM) different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Position (Short)Short position size. If a position is quoted in a UOM different from the contract, specify the UOM. If a position is measured in a currency, specify the currencyM Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateM Option Strike PriceOption strike priceC Option Put/Call IndicatorOption typeC Underlying Exchange Commodity CodeUnderlying Contract code issued by the exchangeC Underlying Clearing Commodity CodeRegistered commodity clearing identifier. The code is for the contract as if it were traded in the form it is cleared. For example, if the contract was traded as a spread but cleared as an outright, the outright symbol should be usedC Underlying Product TypeIndicates the type of product the security is associated withC Underlying Security TypeIndicator which identifies the underlying derivativeC Underlying Maturity Month YearMonth and year of the maturityC Underlying Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueC Underlying Asset ClassThe underlying broad asset category for assessing risk exposureC Underlying Asset SubclassThe subcategory description of the asset classC Underlying Asset TypeProvides a more specific description of the asset subclassC Underlying Settlement Price/CurrencySettlement price, prior settlement price, settlement currency, and final settlement dateC

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

C. Risk Metric Ladder Reporting
Field name Description Use Common Fields (Risk Metric Ladder Reporting)Total Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileM FIXML Message TypeFIXML account summary report typeM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued DCO identifierM To IDIndicate “CFTC”M Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedM Report IDA unique identifier assigned by the CFTC to each clearing member reportM Report DateThe business date of the information being reportedM Base CurrencyBase currency referenced throughout report; provide exchange rate against this currencyM Report Time (Message Create Time)The report “as of” or information cut-off timeM Message EventThe event source being reportedM Ladder IndicatorIndicator that identifies the type of risk metric ladderM DCO IdentifierCFTC-assigned identifier for a DCOM Clearing Participant IdentifierDCO-assigned identifier for a particular clearing memberM Clearing Participant NameThe name of the clearing memberM Fund Segregation TypeClearing fund segregation typeM Clearing Participant LEILEI for a particular clearing memberM Clearing Participant LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the clearing member LEIM Customer IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customer position accountC Customer NameThe name associated with the customer position identifierC Customer Account TypeType of account used for reportingC Customer LEILEI for a particular customer; provide if availableC Customer LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the customer position LEIC Unique Margin IdentifierA single field that uniquely identifies the margin account. This field us used to identify associated positionsC Delta Ladder (Daily Reporting)CurrencyISO 4217 currency codeM FX RateRate used to convert the currency to USDM Curve NameName of the reference curveM TenorNumber of days from the report dateM SensitivityTheoretical profit and loss with a single upward basis point shiftM Gamma Ladder (Daily Reporting)CurrencyISO 4217 currency codeM FX RateRate used to convert the currency to USDM Curve NameName of the reference curveM TenorNumber of days from the report dateM SensitivityTheoretical profit and loss with a single upward basis point shiftM Vega Ladder (Daily Reporting)CurrencyISO 4217 currency codeM FX RateRate used to convert the currency to USDM Curve NameName of the reference curveM TenorNumber of days from the report dateM SensitivityTheoretical profit and loss with a single upward basis point shiftM

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

D. Curve Reference Reporting
Field name Description Use Common Fields (Curve Reference Reporting)Total Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileM FIXML Message TypeFIXML account summary report typeM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued DCO identifierM To IDIndicate “CFTC”M Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedM Report IDA unique identifier assigned by the CFTC to each clearing member reportM Report DateThe business date of the information being reportedM Base CurrencyBase currency referenced throughout report; provide exchange rate against this currencyM Report Time (Message Create Time)The report “as of” or information cut-off timeM Message EventThe event source being reportedM DCO IdentifierCFTC-assigned identifier for a DCOM Currency Curve (Daily Reporting)CurveReference curve nameM CurrencyISO 4217 currency codeM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueM Par RateRate such that the maturity will pay in order to sell at par todayM Zero Rate Curve (Daily Reporting)CurrencyISO 4217 currency codeM CurveReference curve nameM Maturity DateThe date on which the principal amount becomes dueM OffsetThe difference in days between the maturity date and reporting dateM Accrual FactorThe difference in years between the maturity date and reporting dateM Discount FactorValue used to compute the present value of future cash flows valuesM Zero RateAverages of the one-period forward rates up to their maturityM

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

E. Backtesting Reporting
Field name Description Use Common Fields (Backtesting Reporting)Total Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileM FIXML Message TypeFIXML account summary report typeM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued DCO identifierM To IDIndicate “CFTC”M Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedM Report IDA unique identifier assigned by the CFTC to each clearing member reportM Report DateThe business date of the information being reportedM Base CurrencyBase currency referenced throughout report; provide exchange rate against this currencyM Report Time (Message Create Time)The report “as of” or information cut-off timeM Message EventThe event source being reportedM Breach IndicatorIndicates the breach fileM DCO IdentifierCFTC-assigned identifier for a DCOM Clearing Participant IdentifierDCO-assigned identifier for a particular clearing memberM Clearing Participant NameThe name of the clearing memberM Fund Segregation TypeClearing fund segregation typeM Clearing Participant LEILEI for a particular clearing memberM Clearing Participant LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the clearing member LEIM Customer IdentifierProprietary identifier for a particular customer position accountC Customer NameThe name associated with the customer position identifierC Customer Account TypeType of account used for reportingC Customer LEILEI for a particular customer; provide if availableC Customer LEI NameThe LEI name associated with the customer position LEIC Unique Margin IdentifierA single field that uniquely identifies the margin account. This field us used to identify associated positionsC Breach Details (Daily Reporting)Initial MarginMargin requirement calculated by the DCO's margin methodology. Unless an integral part of the margin methodology, this figure should not include any additional margin add-onsM Backtesting MetricIndicates the type of profit and loss calculation used for backtesting:
• VM—Variation Margin
• STATIC—Static Portfolio P/L (Clean P/L)
• DIRTY—Dirty P/L
• MTMA—Mark to Market P/L
• MTMO—Mark to Model P/L
M Backtesting Metric AmountAmount on the positions for which Initial Margin is computedM Breach AmountDifference between the Initial Margin and Backtesting Metric AmountM Margin Period of RiskHolding period for which the Backtesting Metric is calculated in daysM Breach Summary (Daily Reporting)Total InstanceTotal number of testing dates for the accountM Number of BreachesTotal number of breaches in the testing periodM Test Range StartBeginning date of the testM Test Range EndEnd date of the testM

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

F. Manifest Reporting
Field name Description Use Manifest ReportingTotal Message CountThe total number of reports included in the fileM FIXML Message TypeFIXML account summary report typeM Sender IDThe CFTC-issued DCO identifierM To IDIndicate “CFTC”M Message Transmit DatetimeThe date and time the file is transmittedM FilenamesList of files to be sentM

M = mandatory C = conditional O = optional.

[88 FR 53684, Aug. 8, 2023]