View all text of Subjgrp 37 [§ 655.470 - § 655.499]
§ 655.472 - Revocation.
(a) Basis for revocation. The OFLC Administrator may revoke a TLC approved under this subpart, if the OFLC Administrator finds:
(1) The issuance of the TLC was not justified due to fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact in the application process;
(2) The employer substantially failed to comply with any of the terms or conditions of the approved TLC. A substantial failure is a failure to comply that constitutes a significant deviation from the terms and conditions of the approved certification and is further defined in § 655.473(d); or
(3) The employer impeded the audit process, as set forth in § 655.470, or impeded any Federal Government Official performing an investigation, inspection, audit, or law enforcement function.
(b) DOL procedures for revocation—(1) Notice of Revocation. If the OFLC Administrator makes a determination to revoke an employer's TLC, the OFLC Administrator will issue a Notice of Revocation to the employer (and its attorney or agent, if applicable). The notice will contain a detailed statement of the grounds for the revocation and inform the employer of its right to submit rebuttal evidence to the OFLC Administrator or to request administrative review of the Notice of Revocation by BALCA. If the employer does not submit rebuttal evidence or request administrative review within 10 business days from the date the Notice of Revocation is issued, the notice will become the final agency action and will take effect immediately at the end of the 10 business days.
(2) Rebuttal. If the employer timely submits rebuttal evidence, the OFLC Administrator will inform the employer of the final determination on the revocation within 10 business days of receiving the rebuttal evidence. If the OFLC Administrator determines that the certification must be revoked, the OFLC Administrator will inform the employer of its right to appeal the final determination to BALCA according to the procedures of § 655.461. If the employer does not appeal the final determination, it will become the final agency action.
(3) Request for review. An employer may appeal a Notice of Revocation or a final determination of the OFLC Administrator after the review of rebuttal evidence to BALCA, according to the appeal procedures of § 655.461.
(4) Stay. The timely submission of rebuttal evidence or a request for administrative review will stay the revocation pending the outcome of the proceeding.
(5) Decision. If the TLC is revoked, the OFLC Administrator will provide copies of final revocation decisions to DHS and DOS promptly.
(c) Employer's obligations in the event of revocation. If an employer's TLC is revoked, the employer is responsible for:
(1) Reimbursement of actual inbound transportation and other required expenses;
(2) The workers' outbound transportation and other required expenses;
(3) Payment to the workers of the amount due under the three-fourths guarantee; and
(4) Any other wages, benefits, and working conditions due or owing to the workers under this subpart.