View all text of Subpart C [§ 430.30 - § 430.49]
§ 430.42 - Disallowance of claims for FFP.
(a) Notice of disallowance and of right to reconsideration. When the Administrator or current Designee determines that a claim or portion of claim is not allowable, he or she promptly sends the State a disallowance letter that includes the following, as appropriate:
(1) The date or dates on which the State's claim for FFP was made.
(2) The time period during which the expenditures in question were made or claimed to have been made.
(3) The date and amount of any payment or notice of deferral.
(4) A statement of the amount of FFP claimed, allowed, and disallowed and the manner in which these amounts were computed.
(5) Findings of fact on which the disallowance determination is based or a reference to other documents previously furnished to the State or included with the notice (such as a report of a financial review or audit) which contain the findings of fact on which the disallowance determination is based.
(6) Pertinent citations to the law, regulations, guides and instructions supporting the action taken.
(7) A request that the State make appropriate adjustment in a subsequent expenditure report.
(8) Notice of the State's right to request reconsideration of the disallowance and the time allowed to make the request.
(9) A statement indicating that the disallowance letter is the Department's final decision unless the State requests reconsideration under paragraph (b)(2) or (f)(2) of this section.
(b) Reconsideration of a disallowance. (1) The Administrator will reconsider Medicaid disallowance determinations.
(2) To request reconsideration of a disallowance, a State must complete the following:
(i) Submit the following within 60 days after receipt of the disallowance letter:
(A) A written request to the Administrator that includes the following:
(1) A copy of the disallowance letter.
(2) A statement of the amount in dispute.
(3) A brief statement of why the disallowance should be reversed or revised, including any information to support the State's position with respect to each issue.
(4) Additional information regarding factual matters or policy considerations.
(B) A copy of the written request to the Regional Office.
(C) Send all requests for reconsideration via registered or certified mail to establish the date the reconsideration was received by CMS.
(ii) In all cases, the State has the burden of documenting the allowability of its claims for FFP.
(iii) Additional information regarding the legal authority for the disallowance will not be reviewed in the reconsideration but may be presented in any appeal to the Departmental Appeals Board under paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(3) A State may request to retain the FFP during the reconsideration of the disallowance under section 1116(e) of the Act, in accordance with § 433.38 of this subchapter.
(4) The State is not required to request reconsideration before seeking review from the Departmental Appeals Board.
(5) The State may also seek reconsideration, and following the reconsideration decision, request a review from the Board.
(6) If the State elects reconsideration, the reconsideration process must be completed or withdrawn before requesting review by the Board.
(c) Procedures for reconsideration of a disallowance. (1) Within 60 days after receipt of the disallowance letter, the State shall, in accordance with (b)(2) of this section, submit in writing to the Administrator any relevant evidence, documentation, or explanation and shall simultaneously submit a copy thereof to the Regional Office.
(2) After consideration of the policies and factual matters pertinent to the issues in question, the Administrator shall, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the request for reconsideration, issue a written decision or a request for additional information as described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(3) At the Administrator's option, CMS may request from the State any additional information or documents necessary to make a decision. The request for additional information must be sent via registered or certified mail to establish the date the request was sent by CMS and received by the State.
(4) Within 30 days after receipt of the request for additional information, the State must submit to the Administrator, with a copy to the Regional Office in readily reviewable form, all requested documents and materials.
(i) If the Administrator finds that the materials are not in readily reviewable form or that additional information is needed, he or she shall notify the State via registered or certified mail that it has 15 business days from the date of receipt of the notice to submit the readily reviewable or additional materials.
(ii) If the State does not provide the necessary materials within 15 business days from the date of receipt of such notice, the Administrator shall affirm the disallowance in a final reconsideration decision issued within 15 days from the due date of additional information from the State.
(5) If additional documentation is provided in readily reviewable form under the paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the Administrator shall issue a written decision, within 60 days from the due date of such information.
(6) The final written decision shall constitute final CMS administrative action on the reconsideration and shall be (within 15 business days of the decision) mailed to the State agency via registered or certified mail to establish the date the reconsideration decision was received by the State.
(7) If the Administrator does not issue a decision within 60 days from the date of receipt of the request for reconsideration or the date of receipt of the requested additional information, the disallowance shall be deemed to be affirmed upon reconsideration.
(8) No section of this regulation shall be interpreted as waiving the Department's right to assert any provision or exemption under the Freedom of Information Act.
(d) Withdrawal of a request for reconsideration of a disallowance. (1) A State may withdraw the request for reconsideration at any time before the notice of the reconsideration decision is received by the State without affecting its right to submit a notice of appeal to the Board. The request for withdrawal must be in writing and sent to the Administrator, with a copy to the Regional Office, via registered or certified mail.
(2) Within 60 days after CMS' receipt of a State's withdrawal request, a State may, in accordance with (f)(2) of this section, submit a notice of appeal to the Board.
(e) Implementation of decisions for reconsideration of a disallowance. (1) After undertaking a reconsideration, the Administrator may affirm, reverse, or revise the disallowance and shall issue a final written reconsideration decision to the State in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
(2) If the reconsideration decision requires an adjustment of FFP, either upward or downward, a subsequent grant award will be issued in the amount of such increase or decrease.
(3) Within 60 days after the receipt of a reconsideration decision from CMS a State may, in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section, submit a notice of appeal to the Board.
(f) Appeal of Disallowance. (1) The Departmental Appeals Board reviews disallowances of FFP under title XIX.
(2) A State that wishes to appeal a disallowance to the Board must:
(i) Submit a notice of appeal to the Board at the address given on the Departmental Appeals Board's web site within 60 days after receipt of the disallowance letter.
(A) If a reconsideration of a disallowance was requested, within 60 days after receipt of the reconsideration decision; or
(B) If reconsideration of a disallowance was requested and no written decision was issued, within 60 days from the date the decision on reconsideration of the disallowance was due to be issued by CMS.
(ii) Include all of the following:
(A) A copy of the disallowance letter.
(B) A statement of the amount in dispute.
(C) A brief statement of why the disallowance is wrong.
(3) The Board's decision of an appeal under paragraph (f)(2) of this section shall be the final decision of the Secretary and shall be subject to reconsideration by the Board only upon a motion by either party that alleges a clear error of fact or law and is filed during the 60-day period that begins on the date of the Board's decision or to judicial review in accordance with paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section.
(g) Appeals procedures. The appeals procedures are those set forth in 45 CFR part 16 for Medicaid and for many other programs administered by the Department.
(1) In all cases, the State has the burden of documenting the allowability of its claims for FFP.
(2) The Board shall conduct a thorough review of the issues, taking into account all relevant evidence, including such documentation as the State may submit and the Board may require.
(h) Implementation of decisions. (1) The Board may affirm the disallowance, reverse the disallowance, modify the disallowance, or remand the disallowance to CMS for further consideration.
(2) The Board will issue a final written decision to the State consistent with 45 CFR part 16.
(3) If the appeal decision requires an adjustment of FFP, either upward or downward, a subsequent grant award will be issued in the amount of increase or decrease.