View all text of Subpart B [§ 351.10 - § 351.11]
§ 351.10 - Establishment of committees.
(a) The Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) consists of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which chairs the Committee, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, United States Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce and, where appropriate and on an ad hoc basis, other Federal departments and agencies. In chairing the committee, FEMA will be responsible for assuring that all agency assignments described in this rule are coordinated through the Committee and carried out with or on behalf of State and local governments.
(b) The Regional Assistance Committees (RACs), one in each of 10 standard Federal regions,
1 I (Boston); II (New York); III (Philadelphia); IV (Atlanta); V (Chicago); VI (Dallas); VII (Kansas City); VIII (Denver); IX (San Francisco) and X (Seattle).