View all text of Part 65 [§ 65.1 - § 65.17]
§ 65.7 - Floodway revisions.
(a) General. Floodway data is developed as part of FEMA Flood Insurance Studies and is utilized by communities to select and adopt floodways as part of the flood plain management program required by § 60.3 of this subchapter. When it has been determined by a community that no practicable alternatives exist to revising the boundaries of its previously adopted floodway, the procedures below shall be followed.
(b) Data requirements when base flood elevation changes are requested. When a floodway revision is requested in association with a change to base flood elevations, the data requirements of § 65.6 shall also be applicable. In addition, the following documentation shall be submitted:
(1) Copy of a public notice distributed by the community stating the community's intent to revise the floodway or a statement by the community that it has notified all affected property owners and affected adjacent jurisdictions.
(2) Copy of a letter notifying the appropriate State agency of the floodway revision when the State has jurisdiction over the floodway or its adoption by communities participating in the NFIP.
(3) Documentation of the approval of the revised floodway by the appropriate State agency (for communities where the State has jurisdiction over the floodway or its adoption by communities participating in the NFIP).
(4) Engineering analysis for the revised floodway, as described below:
(i) The floodway analysis must be performed using the hydraulic computer model used to determine the proposed base flood elevations.
(ii) The floodway limits must be set so that neither the effective base flood elevations nor the proposed base flood elevations if less than the effective base flood elevations, are increased by more than the amount specified under § 60.3 (d)(2). Copies of the input and output data from the original and modified computer models must be submitted.
(5) Delineation of the revised floodway on the same topographic map used for the delineation of the revised flood boundaries.
(c) Data requirements for changes not associated with base flood elevation changes. The following data shall be submitted:
(1) Items described in paragraphs (b) (1) through (3) of this section must be submitted.
(2) Engineering analysis for the revised floodway, as described below:
(i) The original hydraulic computer model used to develop the established base flood elevations must be modified to include all encroachments that have occurred in the flood plain since the existing floodway was developed. If the original hydraulic computer model is not available, an alternate hydraulic computer model may be used provided the alternate model has been calibrated so as to reproduce the original water surface profile of the original hydraulic computer model. The alternate model must be then modified to include all encroachments that have occurred since the existing floodway was developed.
(ii) The floodway analysis must be performed with the modified computer model using the desired floodway limits.
(iii) The floodway limits must be set so that combined effects of the past encroachments and the new floodway limits do not increase the effective base flood elevations by more than the amount specified in § 60.3(d)(2). Copies of the input and output data from the original and modified computer models must be submitted.
(3) Delineation of the revised floodway on a copy of the effective NFIP map and a suitable topographic map.
(d) Certification requirements. All analyses submitted shall be certified by a registered professional engineer. All topographic data shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or licensed land surveyor. Certifications are subject to the definition given at § 65.2 of this subchapter.
(e) Submission procedures. All requests that involve changes to floodways shall be submitted to the appropriate FEMA Regional Office servicing the community's geographic area.