View all text of Part 614 [§ 614.1 - § 614.8]

§ 614.3 - Materials relating to closed portions of meetings.

If a portion or portions of any meeting of the National Science Board are closed to the public under § 614.2:

(a) The General Counsel of the National Science Foundation shall publicly certify that, in his opinion, that portion or portions may properly be closed to the public. The certificate shall state the exemptions under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c) that make the closings proper.

(b) The presiding officer of the meeting (usually the Chairman of the Board) shall furnish a statement setting forth the time and place of the meeting and the persons present.

(c) The Board shall make a complete transcript or electronic recording adequate to record fully the proceedings of each portion of the meeting that is closed to the public.

(d) The National Science Board Office shall maintain the General Counsel's certificate, the presiding officer's statement, and the transcript or recording of the meeting for at least three years after the meeting and at least one year after the Board completes consideration of any proposal, report, resolution, or similar matter discussed in any closed portion of the meeting.

[42 FR 14719, Mar. 16, 1977, as amended at 75 FR 40755, July 14, 2010]