View all text of Part 614 [§ 614.1 - § 614.8]

§ 614.4 - Opening of transcript or recording.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the transcript or electronic recording of every portion of every meeting closed to the public will promptly be made available on request to any member of the public in an easily accessible place.

(b) Informal requests to inspect or copy the transcript or electronic recording of a closed session may be made to the staff of the National Science Board and will be handled informally and expeditiously. Written requests to inspect or copy such a transcript or recording that cite the Freedom of Information Act or the Sunshine Act will be treated as formal requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. They will be handled under the Foundation's Freedom of Information procedures described in 45 CFR part 612. The exemptions of these Sunshine Act regulations, 45 CFR 614.2, will govern, however, in determining what portions of the transcript or recording may be withheld.

(c) A request to inspect or copy a transcript or electronic recording should specify the date of the meeting and the agenda item or items to which the request pertains. It should contain a promise to pay the costs of any duplication requested.

(d) No search or transcription fees will be charged. Duplication fees may be charged as provided in 45 CFR 612.6.

[42 FR 55619, Oct. 18, 1977]