View all text of Part 2521 [§ 2521.5 - § 2521.95]

§ 2521.20 - What types of AmeriCorps subtitle C program grants are available for award?

AmeriCorps may make the following types of grants to eligible applicants. The requirements of this section will also apply to any State or other applicant receiving assistance under this part that proposes to conduct a grant program using the assistance to support other national or community service programs.

(a) Planning grants—(1) Purpose. The purpose of a planning grant is to assist an applicant in completing the planning necessary to implement a sound concept that has already been developed.

(2) Eligibility. (i) States may apply directly to AmeriCorps for planning grants.

(ii) Subdivisions of States, Indian Tribes, public or private nonprofit organizations (including religious organizations and labor organizations), and institutions of higher education may apply either to a State or directly to AmeriCorps for planning grants.

(3) Duration. A planning grant will be negotiated for a term not to exceed one year.

(b) Operational grants—(1) Purpose. The purpose of an operational grant is to fund an organization that is ready to establish, operate, or expand an AmeriCorps program. An operational grant may include AmeriCorps educational awards. An operational grant may also include a short planning period of up to six months, if necessary, to implement a program.

(2) Eligibility. (i) States may apply directly to AmeriCorps for operational grants.

(ii) Subdivisions of States, Indian Tribes, public or private nonprofit organizations (including religious organizations and labor organizations), and institutions of higher education may apply either to a State or directly to AmeriCorps for operational grants. AmeriCorps may limit the categories of applicants eligible to apply directly to AmeriCorps for assistance under this section consistent with its National priorities.

(3) Duration. An operational grant will be negotiated for a term not to exceed three years. Within a three-year term, renewal funding will be contingent upon periodic assessment of program quality, progress to date, and availability of Congressional appropriations.

(c) Replication Grants. AmeriCorps may provide assistance for the replication of an existing national service program to another geographical location.

(d) Training, technical assistance and other special grants—(1) Purpose. The purpose of these grants is to ensure broad access to AmeriCorps programs for all Americans, including those with disabilities; support disaster relief efforts; assist efforts to secure private support for programs through challenge grants; and ensure program quality by supporting technical assistance and training programs.

(2) Eligibility. Eligibility varies and is detailed under 45 CFR part 2524, “Technical Assistance and Other Special Grants.”

(3) Duration. Grants will be negotiated for a renewable term of up to three years.

[59 FR 13794, Mar. 23, 1994, as amended at 67 FR 45360, July 9, 2002]