View all text of Part 41 [§ 41.100 - § 41.125]
§ 41.110 - New DOT owned buildings and additions to buildings.
(a) DOT Operating Administrations responsible for the design and construction of new DOT Federally owned buildings will ensure that each building is designed and constructed in accord with the seismic design and construction standards set out in § 41.120 of this part.
(b) This section pertains to all building projects for which development of detailed plans and specifications was initiated after January 5, 1990. It applies to additions to existing buildings as well as to new buildings. It applies worldwide.
(c) For DOT Federally owned buildings, a certification of compliance with the seismic design and construction requirements of this part is required prior to the acceptance of the building. Such statements of compliance may include the engineer's and architect's authenticated verifications of seismic design codes, standards, and practices used in the design and construction of the building, construction observation reports, local or state building department plan review documents, or other documents deemed appropriate by the DOT Operating Administration.