Collapse to view only § 1862s-3. Personnel oversight
- § 1861. Establishment; composition
- § 1862. Functions
- § 1862a. Findings and purpose
- § 1862b. Establishment of Program
- § 1862c. Procedures, guidelines, and planning activities
- § 1862d. Set-aside for certain institutions
- § 1862e. Evaluations of research centers
- § 1862f. Research center consortia
- § 1862g. Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- § 1862h. Congressional statement of findings and declaration of purposes respecting scientific and technical education and training
- § 1862i. STEM education
- § 1862j. Authorization of appropriations
- § 1862k. Findings; core strategies
- § 1862l. National research facilities
- § 1862m. Financial disclosure
- § 1862n. Mathematics and science education partnerships
- § 1862n-1. Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
- § 1862n-1a. National Science Foundation Teaching Fellowships and Master Teaching Fellowships
- § 1862n-2. Establishment of centers for research on mathematics and science learning and education improvement
- § 1862n-3. Duplication of programs
- § 1862n-4. Major research equipment and facilities construction plan
- § 1862n-5. Board meetings; audits; reports; scholarship eligibility
- § 1862n-6. Undergraduate education reform
- § 1862n-7. Reports
- § 1862n-8. Evaluations
- § 1862n-9. Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee
- § 1862n-10. Minority-serving institutions undergraduate program
- § 1862o. Postdoctoral research fellows
- § 1862o-1. Responsible conduct of research
- § 1862o-2. Reporting of research results
- § 1862o-3. Sharing research results
- § 1862o-4. Funding for successful science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education programs
- § 1862o-5. Meeting critical national science needs
- § 1862o-6. Research on innovation and inventiveness
- § 1862o-7. Cyberinfrastructure
- § 1862o-8. Pilot program of grants for new investigators
- § 1862o-9. Broader impacts merit review criterion
- § 1862o-10. Advanced information and communications technology research
- § 1862o-11. Repealed.
- § 1862o-12. Hispanic-serving institutions undergraduate program
- § 1862o-13. Professional science master’s degree programs
- § 1862o-14. Major research instrumentation
- § 1862o-15. Limit on proposals
- § 1862p. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
- § 1862p-1. National Science Foundation manufacturing research and education
- § 1862p-2. Partnerships for innovation
- § 1862p-3. Sustainable chemistry basic research
- § 1862p-4. Undergraduate broadening participation program
- § 1862p-5. Research experiences for high school students
- § 1862p-6. Research experiences for undergraduates
- § 1862p-7. STEM industry internship programs
- § 1862p-8. Cyber-enabled learning for national challenges
- § 1862p-9. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- § 1862p-10. Academic technology transfer and commercialization of university research
- § 1862p-11. NSF grants in support of sponsored post-doctoral fellowship programs
- § 1862p-12. Cloud computing research enhancement
- § 1862p-13. Tribal colleges and universities program
- § 1862p-14. Broader Impacts Review Criterion
- § 1862p-15. Twenty-first century graduate education
- § 1862q. Informal STEM education
- § 1862r. Research in disabilities education
- § 1862r-1. Dyslexia
- § 1862s. Reaffirmation of merit-based peer review
- § 1862s-1. Transparency and accountability
- § 1862s-2. Oversight of NSF major multi-user research facility projects
- § 1862s-3. Personnel oversight
- § 1862s-4. Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative
- § 1862s-5. Programs to expand STEM opportunities
- § 1862s-6. Presidential awards for excellence in STEM mentoring
- § 1862s-7. Computer science education research
- § 1862s-8. Innovation Corps
- § 1862s-9. Translational research grants
- § 1862t. Supporting veterans in STEM education and computer science
- § 1862u. NSF support of research on opioid addiction
- § 1862v. National Science Foundation research
- § 1862w. NSF support of research on impacts of social media on human trafficking
- § 1863. National Science Board
- § 1864. Director of Foundation
- § 1864a. Deputy Director of the Foundation
- § 1865. Executive Committee
- § 1866. Divisions within Foundation
- § 1867. Repealed.
- § 1868. Special commissions
- § 1869. Scholarships and graduate fellowships
- § 1869a. Contracts for precollege science or engineering curriculum development activities; inspection of materials by parent or guardian
- § 1869b. Issuance of instructions to grantees of pre-college curriculum projects
- § 1869c. Low-income scholarship program
- § 1870. General authority of Foundation
- § 1870a. Buy-American requirements
- § 1871. Disposition of inventions produced under contracts or other arrangements
- § 1872. International cooperation and coordination with foreign policy
- § 1872a. Repealed.
- § 1873. Employment of personnel
- § 1873a. Repealed.
- § 1874. Security provisions
- § 1875. Appropriations
- § 1875a. National Science Foundation Nonrecurring Expenses Fund
- §§ 1876 to 1879. Repealed.
- § 1880. National Medal of Science
- § 1881. Award of National Medal of Science
- § 1881a. Alan T. Waterman Award
- § 1881b. Presidential awards for teaching excellence
- § 1882. Information furnished to Congressional committees
- § 1883. Office of Small Business Research and Development
- § 1884. Repealed.
- § 1885. Congressional statement of findings and declaration of policy respecting equal opportunities in science and engineering
- § 1885a. Women in science and engineering; support of activities by Foundation for promotion, etc.
- § 1885b. Participation in science and engineering of minorities and persons with disabilities
- § 1885c. Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering
- § 1885d. Biennial reports
- § 1886. Data collection and analysis
- § 1886a. Data on specific fields of study
- § 1887. Indemnification of grantees, contractors, and subcontractors under ocean drilling program; approvals and certifications by Director
There is established in the executive branch of the Government an independent agency to be known as the National Science Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”). The Foundation shall consist of a National Science Board (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) and a Director.
Of the amounts appropriated to the Foundation for the Program, as authorized under section 101 of this Act, in each fiscal year, at least 12 percent shall be reserved for historically Black colleges or universities defined as “part B institutions” by section 1061(2) of title 20 and other institutions of higher education whose enrollment includes a substantial percentage of students who are Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Native Americans.
In Foundation programs making grants to research centers, the Director shall encourage the formation of consortia that include research universities, two-year and four-year colleges, and the private sector.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Director for carrying out sections 2 through 4 $150,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027.
Persons temporarily employed by or at the Foundation shall be subject to the same financial disclosure requirements and related sanctions under chapter 131 of title 5 as are permanent employees of the Foundation in equivalent positions.
The Director shall ensure that all final project reports and citations of published research documents resulting from research funded, in whole or in part, by the Foundation, are made available to the public in a timely manner and in electronic form through the Foundation’s Web site.
An investigator supported under a Foundation award, whom the Director determines has failed to comply with the provisions of section 734 of the Foundation Grant Policy Manual, shall be ineligible for a future award under any Foundation supported program or activity. The Director may restore the eligibility of such an investigator on the basis of the investigator’s subsequent compliance with the provisions of section 734 of the Foundation Grant Policy Manual and with such other terms and conditions as the Director may impose.
In carrying out its research programs on science policy and on the science of learning, the Foundation may support research on the process of innovation and the teaching of inventiveness.
The Foundation shall continue to support the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program, the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation program, the Tribal Colleges and Universities Program, and Hispanic-serving institutions as separate programs.
The Director shall permit specialized STEM high schools conducting research to participate in major data collection initiatives from universities, corporations, or government labs under a research grant from the Foundation, as part of the research proposal.
The Director shall, in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies, identify ways to use cyber-enabled learning to create an innovative STEM workforce and to help retrain and retain our existing STEM workforce to address national challenges, including national security and competitiveness, and use technology to enhance or supplement laboratory based learning.
The Director of the National Science Foundation may utilize funds appropriated to carry out grants to institutions of higher education (as such term is defined in section 1001(a) of title 20) to provide financial support for post-graduate research in fields with potential commercial applications to match, in whole or in part, any private sector grant of financial assistance to any post-doctoral program in such a field of study.
The Director of the National Science Foundation, in consultation with the Director of the National Institutes of Health, shall support merit-reviewed and competitively awarded research on the science of opioid addiction.
There shall be a Deputy Director of the Foundation (referred to in this chapter as the “Deputy Director”), who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Before any person is appointed as Deputy Director, the President shall afford the Board and the Director an opportunity to make recommendations to him with respect to such appointment. The Deputy Director shall receive basic pay at the rate provided for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5, and shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as the Director may prescribe. The Deputy Director shall act for, and exercise the powers of, the Director during the absence or disability of the Director or in the event of a vacancy in the office of Director.
There shall be within the Foundation such Divisions as the Director, in consultation with the Board, may from time to time determine.
After August 9, 1975
The National Science Foundation is directed to issue instructions to grantees for pre-college curriculum projects covering the protection of pre-college students and procedures for involving such students in pre-college education research and development, pilot-testing, evaluation, and revision of experimental and innovative pre-college curriculum projects funded by the Foundation. These instructions shall require such grantees to obtain written approval of the school board or comparable authority responsible for the schools prior to the involvement of such students.
Each contract or other arrangement executed pursuant to this chapter which relates to scientific or engineering research shall contain provisions governing the disposition of inventions produced thereunder in a manner calculated to protect the public interest and the equities of the individual or organization with which the contract or other arrangement is executed: Provided, however, That nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize the Foundation to enter into any contractual or other arrangement inconsistent with any provision of law affecting the issuance or use of patents.
To enable the Foundation to carry out its powers and duties, only such sums may be appropriated as the Congress may authorize by law.
There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the “National Science Foundation Nonrecurring Expenses Fund” (the Fund). Unobligated balances of expired discretionary funds appropriated for this or any succeeding fiscal year from the General Fund of the Treasury to the National Science Foundation by this or any other Act may be transferred (not later than the end of the fifth fiscal year after the last fiscal year for which such funds are available for the purposes for which appropriated) into the Fund. Amounts deposited in the Fund shall be available until expended, and in addition to such other funds as may be available for such purposes, for information and business technology system modernization and facilities infrastructure improvements, including nonrecurring maintenance, necessary for the operation of the Foundation or its funded research facilities, subject to approval by the Office of Management and Budget. Amounts in the Fund may be obligated only after the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate are notified at least 15 days in advance of the planned use of funds.
There is established a National Medal of Science (hereinafter referred to as the “medal”), which shall be of such design and materials and bear such inscriptions as the President, on the basis of recommendations submitted by the National Science Foundation, may prescribe, and shall be awarded as provided in section 1881 of this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other Act, the Director of the National Science Foundation and the National Science Board shall keep the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives fully and currently informed with respect to all of the activities of the National Science Foundation.
The National Science Foundation is authorized to design, establish, and maintain a data collection and analysis capability in the Foundation for the purpose of identifying and assessing the research facilities needs of universities. The needs of universities, by major field of science and engineering, for construction and modernization of research laboratories, including fixed equipment and major research equipment, shall be documented. University expenditures for the construction and modernization of research facilities, the sources of funds, and other appropriate data shall be collected and analyzed. The Foundation, in conjunction with other appropriate Federal agencies, shall conduct the necessary surveys every 2 years and report the results to the Congress. The first report shall be submitted to the Congress by September 1, 1986.
The National Science Foundation shall continue to collect statistically reliable data on the field of degree of college-educated individuals to fulfill obligations under section 1863(j)(1) of this title and the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act [42 U.S.C. 1885 et seq.]. If the Director of the Foundation determines that there is a legal impediment to the continued collection of this data, he shall inform the Committee on Science of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate not later than 180 days after December 30, 2005.
The Foundation is on and after November 25, 1985, authorized to indemnify grantees, contractors, and subcontractors associated with the ocean drilling program under the provisions of section 3861 of title 10, with all approvals and certifications required thereby made by the Director of the National Science Foundation.