View all text of Chapter 12 B [§ 832 - § 832m]

§ 832m. Sale of excess Federal power; fish and wildlife conservation within Federal Columbia River Power System; residential exchange; personnel flexibility
(a) Definitions
In this section:
(1) Administrator
(2) Council
(3) Excess Federal power
The term “excess Federal power” means such electric power that has become surplus to the firm contractual obligations of the Administrator under section 839c(f) of this title due to either—
(A) any reduction in the quantity of electric power that the Administrator is contractually required to supply under subsections (b) and (d) of section 839c of this title, due to the election by customers of the Bonneville Power Administration to purchase electric power from other suppliers, as compared to the quantity of electric power that the Administrator was contractually required to supply as of January 1, 1995; or
(B) those operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System that are primarily for the benefit of fish and wildlife affected by the development, operation, or management of the System.
(b) Sale of excess Federal power
Notwithstanding section 837a of this title, subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 837b of this title, and section 837f of this title, and section 839f(c) of this title, the Administrator may, as permitted by otherwise applicable law, sell or otherwise dispose of excess Federal power—
(1) outside the Pacific Northwest on a firm basis for a contract term of not to exceed 7 years, if the excess Federal power is first offered for a reasonable period of time and under the same essential rate, terms and conditions to those Pacific Northwest public body, cooperative and investor-owned utilities and those direct service industrial customers identified in subsection (b) or (d)(1)(A) of section 839c of this title; and
(2) in any region without the prohibition on resale established by the second sentence of section 832d(a) of this title.
(c) Study by Council
1 So in original. No par. (2) has been enacted.
Within 180 days of November 13, 1995, the Council shall review and report to Congress regarding the most appropriate governance structure to allow more effective regional control over efforts to conserve and enhance anadromous and resident fish and wildlife within the Federal Columbia River Power System.
(d) Corps of Engineers procurement
(e) Residential exchange
(f) Personnel flexibility
(g) Savings
(Pub. L. 104–46, title V, § 508, Nov. 13, 1995, 109 Stat. 419.)