View all text of Subchapter XIX [§ 160 - § 160k]

§ 160a–1. Boundaries
(a) Lands and waters included; legal description; revision
(b) Additional revisions; procedures applicable; failure to comply with procedures
(1) In addition to such revisions as the Secretary may make in the boundaries of the park from time to time pursuant to other provisions of law, the Secretary may, according to the provisions of subsection (a)—
(A) delete approximately 782 acres in the Neil Point area of the park;
(B) add approximately 180 acres in the Black Bay Narrows areas of the park;
(C) add approximately 18.45 acres owned by the State of Minnesota at the Kabetogama Forestry Station;
(D) add approximately 120 acres owned by the State of Minnesota, being a strip of land through that portion of section 1, township 68 north, range 20 west, fourth principal meridian, which is parallel to and 400 feet on both sides of the unimproved road extending northward from the Ash River Trail as such road crosses each section; and
(E) subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), delete approximately 1,000 acres at Black Bay and convey such lands to the State of Minnesota.
All of the aforementioned boundary changes if accomplished shall be accomplished such that the boundary of the park shall conform to that generally depicted on the drawing entitled “Boundary, Voyageurs National Park, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service”, numbered 172–80, 008–MWR, and dated November 1981, which shall be on file and available for public inspection in the offices of the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
(2) The Secretary may not delete or convey the lands referred to in paragraph (1)(E) unless, prior to or simultaneously with such deletion or conveyance and in consideration of such conveyance, the State of Minnesota—
(A) tenders a conveyance of the lands described in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (1) to the United States by such instrument and in such manner as are satisfactory to the Secretary, including but not limited to lease or easement: Provided, That if the interest conveyed is a lease or easement, the State of Minnesota shall substitute therefore a transfer of all right, title, and interest in the land by June 30, 1987: Provided further, That if the State does not transfer all right, title, and interest in such lands by June 30, 1987, the land described in paragraph (1)(E) shall revert to the United States for administration by the Secretary as part of the park; and
(B) enters into a recordable agreement satisfactory to the Secretary which provides that—
(i) the State has established a wildlife management area in the area authorized to be deleted and conveyed to the State by paragraph (1)(E);
(ii) the State has prepared a plan acceptable to the Secretary to manage all the waters of and State lands riparian to Black Bay (including all of the State-owned lands and waters of Rainy Lake) to preserve the natural resources of the area so as to complement to the fullest extent possible the purposes for which the park was established;
(iii) the State shall not transfer any right, title, or interest in, or control over, any land described in paragraph (1)(E) to any person other than the Secretary; and
(iv) the State shall permit access by the Secretary at reasonable times to the land described in paragraph (1)(E).
(3) If at any time the State fails to comply with the material requirements of the agreement referred to in paragraph (2)(B), all right, title, and interest in the land described in paragraph (1)(E) shall revert to the United States for administration by the Secretary as part of the park. Such reversion shall take effect upon the delivery by the Secretary of notice to the State respecting such failure to comply without further notice or requirement for physical entry by the Secretary unless an action for judicial review is brought in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within ninety days following such notice. In any such action the court may issue such orders as are appropriate to carry out the requirements of this subsection.
(Pub. L. 91–661, § 102, Jan. 8, 1971, 84 Stat. 1970; Pub. L. 97–405, § 1(1), (2), Jan. 3, 1983, 96 Stat. 2028; Pub. L. 116–9, title II, § 2107(a), Mar. 12, 2019, 133 Stat. 727.)