View all text of Chapter 7 [§ 401 - § 439]

§ 438. Preventive health services allowance
(a)Demonstration Project.—During the period beginning on January 1, 2009, and ending on December 31, 2011, the Secretary of Defense shall conduct a demonstration project designed to evaluate the efficacy of providing an annual allowance (to be known as a “preventive health services allowance”) to members of the armed forces described in subsection (b) to increase the use of preventive health services by such members and their dependents.
(b)Eligible Members.—
(1) Subject to the numerical limitations specified in paragraph (2), a member of the armed forces who is serving on active duty for a period of more than 30 days and meets the medical and dental readiness requirements for the armed force of the member may receive a preventive health services allowance.
(2) Not more than 1,500 members of each of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps may receive a preventive health services allowance during any year, of which half in each armed force shall be members without dependents and half shall be members with dependents.
(c)Amount of Allowance.—The Secretary of the military department concerned shall pay a preventive health services allowance to a member selected to receive the allowance in an amount equal to—
(1) $500 per year, in the case of a member without dependents; and
(2) $1,000 per year, in the case of a member with dependents.
(d)Authorized Preventive Health Services.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense shall specify the types of preventive health services that may be procured using a preventive health services allowance and the frequency at which such services may be procured.
(2) At a minimum, authorized preventive health services shall include, taking into consideration the age and gender of the member and dependents of the member:
(A) Colorectal screening.
(B) Breast screening.
(C) Cervical screening.
(D) Prostate screening.
(E) Annual physical exam.
(F) Annual dental exam.
(G) Weight and body mass screening.
(H) Vaccinations.
(3) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that members selected to receive the preventive health services allowance and their dependents are provided a reasonable opportunity to receive the services authorized under this subsection in their local area.
(e)Data Collection.—At a minimum, the Secretary of Defense shall monitor and record the health of members receiving a preventive health services allowance and their dependents and the results of the testing required to qualify for payment of the allowance, if conducted. The Secretary shall assess the medical utility of the testing required to qualify for payment of a preventive health allowance.
(f)Reporting Requirement.—Not later than March 31, 2010, and March 31, 2012, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to Congress a report on the status of the demonstration project, including findings regarding the medical status of participants, recommendations to modify the policies and procedures of the program, and recommendations concerning the future utility of the project.
(g)Regulations.—The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section.
(Added Pub. L. 110–417, [div. A], title VII, § 714(a), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4504.)