Collapse to view only § 5.0 - Scope.
- § 5.0 - Scope.
- SUBPART A - Subpart A—General Provisions
- SUBPART B - Subpart B—Certificates of Label Approval and Certificates of Exemption from Label Approval
- SUBPART C - Subpart C—Alteration of Labels, Relabeling, and Adding Information to Containers
- SUBPART D - Subpart D—Label Standards
- SUBPART E - Subpart E—Mandatory Label Information
- SUBPART F - Subpart F—Restricted Labeling Statements.
- SUBPART G - Subpart G—Prohibited Labeling Practices
- SUBPART H - Subpart H—Labeling Practices That Are Prohibited If They Are Misleading
- SUBPART I - Subpart I—Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits
- SUBPART J - Subpart J—Formulas
- SUBPART K - Subpart K—Standards of Fill and Authorized Container Sizes.
- SUBPART L - Subpart L [Reserved]
- SUBPART M - Subpart M—Penalties and Compromise of Liability
- SUBPART N - Subpart N—Advertising of Distilled Spirits
- SUBPART O - Subpart O—Paperwork Reduction Act
§ 5.0 - Scope.
This part sets forth requirements that apply to the labeling and packaging of distilled spirits in containers, including requirements for label approval and rules regarding mandatory, regulated, and prohibited labeling statements. This part also sets forth requirements that apply to the advertising of distilled spirits.