View all text of Subpart T [§ 423.1000 - § 423.1094]
§ 423.1044 - Subpoenas.
(a) Basis for issuance. The ALJ, upon his or her own motion or at the request of a party, may issue subpoenas if they are reasonably necessary for the full presentation of a case.
(b) Timing of request by a party. The party must file a written request for a subpoena with the ALJ at least 5 calendar days before the date set for the hearing.
(c) Content of request. The request must:
(1) Identify the witnesses or documents to be produced;
(2) Describe their addresses or location with sufficient particularity to permit them to be found; and
(3) Specify the pertinent facts the party expects to establish by the witnesses or documents, and indicate why those facts could not be established without use of a subpoena.
(d) Method of issuance. Subpoenas are issued in the name of the Secretary.