View all text of Subpart C [§ 7.21 - § 7.29]
§ 7.29 - When and how does DOT consult with submitters of commercial information?
(a) If DOT receives a request for a record that includes information designated by the submitter of the information as confidential commercial information, or that DOT has some other reason to believe may contain information of that type (see § 7.23(c)(4)), DOT notifies the submitter expeditiously and asks the submitter to submit any written objections to release (unless paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section apply). At the same time, DOT notifies the requester that notice and an opportunity to comment are being provided to the submitter. To the extent permitted by law, DOT affords the submitter a reasonable period of time to provide a detailed statement of any such objections. The submitter's statement must specify all grounds for withholding any of the information. The burden is on the submitter to identify with specificity all information for which exempt treatment is sought and to persuade the agency that the information should not be disclosed.
(b) The responsible DOT component, to the extent permitted by law, considers carefully a submitter's objections and specific grounds for nondisclosure prior to determining whether to disclose commercial information. Whenever DOT decides to disclose such information over the objection of a submitter, the office responsible for the decision provides the submitter with a written notice of intent to disclose, which is sent to the submitter a reasonable number of days prior to the specified date upon which disclosure is intended. The written notice to the submitter includes:
(1) A statement of the reasons for which the submitter's disclosure objections were not accepted;
(2) A description of the commercial information to be disclosed; and
(3) A specific disclosure date.
(c) The notice requirements of this section do not apply if:
(1) DOT determines that the information should not be disclosed;
(2) The information lawfully has been published or otherwise made available to the public; or
(3) Disclosure of the information is required by law (other than 5 U.S.C. 552).
(d) The procedures established in this section do not apply in the case of:
(1) Information submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and addressed in 49 CFR part 512.
(2) Information contained in a document to be filed or in oral testimony that is sought to be withheld pursuant to Rule 12 of the Rules of Practice in Aviation Economic Proceedings (14 CFR 302.12).
(3) Information submitted to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and addressed in 49 CFR 389.9.
(e) Whenever a requester brings suit seeking to compel disclosure of confidential commercial information, the responsible DOT component promptly notifies the submitter. The submitter may be joined as a necessary party in any suit brought against DOT or a DOT component for nondisclosure.