View all text of Subpart B [§ 5.21 - § 5.30]
§ 5.21 - Requirement for certificates of label approval (COLAs) for distilled spirits bottled in the United States.
(a) Applicability. The certificate of label approval (COLA) requirements described in this section apply to distilled spirits bottled in the United States, outside of customs custody.
(b) Distilled spirits shipped or sold in interstate commerce. No person may bottle distilled spirits without first applying for and obtaining a COLA issued by the appropriate TTB officer. This requirement applies to distilled spirits produced and bottled in the United States and to distilled spirits imported in bulk, regardless of where produced, and bottled in the United States. Bottlers may obtain an exemption from this requirement only if they satisfy the conditions set forth in § 5.23.
(c) Evidence of COLA. Upon request by the appropriate TTB officer, a bottler or importer must provide evidence that a container of distilled spirits is covered by a COLA. This requirement may be satisfied by providing original COLAs, photocopies or electronic copies of COLAs, or records showing the TTB identification number assigned to the approved certificate.